The beginning of another school year signals the start of another season of competition for the Snow College athletic programs.
ACM-W awards Snow College for its outstanding community service.
The KSL 5 TV Road to Understanding makes a stop in Sanpete County, where rural living, education and pioneer heritage add to the local communities. Take a look: Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox Snow College
Snow College receives $199,971 Grant. To develop a secondary pathway program that leads to the two-year Computer Science and four-year Software Engineering Programs at Snow CollegeCentral Region CTE; Juab, North Sanpete & South Sanpete CTE; Millard & Tintic CTE; Piute, Wayne, Sevier CTE.
Garett Bolles a former Snow College student and football player was selected by Denver Broncos to play on their team.
Snow College plans and helps trailer park in Ephraim city.