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Snow College Wins State Department IDEAS Grant

The $35,000 grant will provide additional study abroad opportunities

June 25, 2024–EPHRAIM, UT – Snow College is pleased to have been awarded the competitive IDEAS grant. Snow is one of 37 U.S. colleges and universities to win the grant, which is administered by the United States Department of State. The purpose of the grant is to establish, expand, and/or broaden American student mobility overseas in support of U.S. foreign policy goals.

The winning grant proposal focuses on rural entrepreneurship between Ephraim, Utah and Tunisia, which is located in Northern Africa. The $35,000 grant will be used to set up a short-term program in which Snow College business students will travel to Tunisia to learn more about rural entrepreneurship on a global scale. Students will experience and participate in field research, networking events, collaborative workshops, partnership development, reflective sessions, and a capstone project. These activities will be supported by faculty and colleagues at Uniglobal who have experience in global exchange and entrepreneurial training.

Snow College Director of Global Learning Alex Peterson is excited about the opportunities this grant will provide Snow College students. He said, “We have an incredible international student program at Snow College, with students from 53 countries. These students bring unique perspectives and cultures and learn with our local Utah students. We’re working on ways to provide more opportunities for local students to travel and learn in other countries. This project will help business students learn about entrepreneurship and ways to make a living in a rural setting by using global connections while they learn about Tunisia.”

Heidi Manley, Chief of USA Study Abroad, remarked, “The U.S. Department of State is proud to support these U.S. colleges and universities as they build capacity for more American students to study abroad in diverse locations around the world. Increasing the number of U.S. students with international experiences is part of our investment in ensuring that our country’s future leaders have the skills they need in fields ranging from global health to technology and innovation.”

For more information about global learning opportunities at Snow College, please contact Alex Peterson at ude.wons@nosretep.xela. For a full list of 2024 IDEAS grantees, as well as information on upcoming IDEAS webinars and workshops, please visit

About Snow College

Snow College, founded in 1888 by Utah pioneers, is a two-year college with campuses located in Ephraim and Richfield, Utah, and a learning center in Nephi, Utah. Serving more than 5,000 students, the college is committed to helping students graduate debt-free, gain resume-worthy experience, and develop a plan for the future. The affordable price and personalized environment full of opportunities allow students who find Snow College to find themselves. Learn more about all Snow College has to offer online at