Snow College is pleased to announce that students who complete the Exercise Science program now have two additional transfer options. While all associate degrees transfer to any four-year institution, these agreements offer Exercise Science graduates guaranteed acceptance into their major program and ensures that they will be on-track to complete their bachelor's or master's degrees in a timely manner.
If you have a high school graduate at home who isn’t quite ready to head to a big university, there are still some ready-steps they can take that will pay off in the future. President Stacee McIff, from Snow College, shares what types of technical education routes people can go.
Snow College is pleased to have been awarded the competitive IDEAS grant. Snow is one of 37 U.S. colleges and universities to win the grant, which is administered by the United States Department of State. The purpose of the grant is to establish, expand, and/or broaden American student mobility overseas in support of U.S. foreign policy goals.
Snow College has a new partnership with technical colleges in the state which will allow credits to transfer easily, something that hasn't always been the case.
Snow College Visual Arts is pleased to present the much-anticipated lineup for Summer Snow 2024. During the weeks of June 3 and June 10, artists from across the country will be on the Snow College Ephraim campus to teach and participate in workshops spanning a variety of creative mediums.
The Snow College Alumni Office is pleased to announce that Melissa Lowry Judy of Gunnison, Utah, has been named as president of the newly restructured alumni council, effective July 1, 2024.
Snow College and Utah Valley University (UVU) have announced a new agreement that will provide Snow College students with the opportunity to earn a UVU bachelor's degree in elementary education without leaving the campus in Ephraim.
Snow College is pleased to announce its 2024 valedictorians and honor students. The following students will be recognized at their respective ceremonies: Joseph Bliss - Overall Valedictorian, Bridger Thompson - Valedictorian (Bachelor's Degree), Kazunari Inamoto - Academic Honor Student (Bachelor's Degree), Corrie Williams - Academic Honor Student (Richfield Campus)
Two faculty members will be recognized during Snow College's Ephraim Commencement Ceremony on May 3, 2024. Professor Renée Faatz will be presented with the Jesse Madsen Brady Teaching Award, and Professor Kevin Sorensen will be awarded the J. Elliot & Maxine Cameron Faculty Service Award.
Snow College is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Lorenzo Snow Awards. Lorenzo Snow, one of the namesakes of the school, was known for being a believer in personal accountability and excellence. Each year, Snow College recognizes ten students who exemplify these characteristics.