Persistent and excessive anxiety and worry can create a great deal of distress in any one’s life. Anxiety can manifest itself physically through sensations of chest pain, shortness of breath, shakiness, lightheadedness, or a racing feeling. It can also manifest itself cognitively by thoughts or fears of impending doom, “going crazy”, and “out of control” worrying or panic.
Anxiety can be rather mild or to the point the student feels immobilized by their symptoms. These symptoms can be short term or become a life-long pattern of coping with stress. At the Counseling and Wellness Center we can help you learn to reduce and manage these symptoms so that you can fully function in your daily activities.
Students experience anxiety/stress in a variety of forms: test performance, social situations, and general anxiety associated with starting college and having an independent life. More severe anxiety can include panic attacks, phobias, obsessive thinking, compulsive behaviors, and generalized worries. When anxiety reaches a point to cause difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, problems swallowing, and/or an inability to sleep; help is available.
Suggestions for Managing Anxiety