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Veteran's Affairs

Important Web Sites
Important Phone Numbers
Incentive Compensation Prohibition
Prospective Students
Benefit Eligibility
Satisfactory Progress
Approved Classes
Reporting Changes
Semester Certification
Tuition and Fees
Definition of a Veteran
Student Status
Prior Credit Evaluation / Transfer Credits
Veterans Eligibility, Remedial Coursework
Placement Testing For Remedial Coursework
Veterans Affairs' Standards Of Progress, Attendance, And Conduct For Non-College Degree (NCD) Schools And Students
Isakson and Roe Section 1018 Requirements
Readmission to a Program


Veteran's Affairs

Veterans/National Guard/Reservists/Dependents of Veterans
Veteran's Affairs Coordinator: Jack Dalene
Greenwood Student Center 208
Phone: (435) 283-7130
Fax: (435) 283-7134

This section of the catalog contains important information for Reservists, Veterans, National Guard, and Dependents of Veterans attending Snow College while receiving Veteran's Benefits. Students needing to find out if they are eligible for benefits should call: 1-888-442-4551. The Veterans Administration (VA) and the State Approving Agency (SAA), state their requirements regarding satisfactory progress, conduct, and enrollment of veterans and dependents who receive educational benefits under the provision of Title 38, United States Code (USC). The following explanations outline these requirements as they apply to students at Snow College.

There are now very strict deadlines for tuition assistance. Students should give themselves a month's lead time before the 1st day of classes.

Important Web Sites

The following web site contains information and resources for those seeking Veterans Benefits: Veterans Administration (Application forms and online processes are available for download on this site:

Important Phone Numbers

Monthly Verification of Enrollment: 1-877-823-2378 Veterans Administration - Muskogee, Oklahoma: 1-888-442-4551

Snow College does not determine Veterans Administration benefit eligibility. All eligibility is determined by the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration.

Incentive Compensation Prohibition

Snow College will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly upon success in securing any individual or entity. There will be no high-pressure recruitment tactics used to recruit eligible Veterans, or eligible family members of Veterans to attend Snow College.

Prospective Students

Prospective Students are directed to seek and receive approval from the student’s ESO, military counselor or Service prior to enrollment.

Benefit Eligibility is Based Upon:

  • The completion of all required forms
  • Satisfactory Progress as a fully matriculated student
  • Prompt reporting of changes in enrollment or status to the Snow College Veterans Affairs Office


Students receiving benefits must be matriculated (accepted by the college as a degree or certificate seeking student) within two semesters of initial enrollment. The Registrar's office and the Veteran Coordinator cannot certify enrollment of non-matriculated students.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress required for received VA benefits means successful completion of classes required by the college for the student's degree program, according to the following criteria:

  • Students must maintain a 2.00 (C) cumulative grade point average (GPA).
  • Students must also maintain a 2.00 (C) GPA each semester. Students who do not earn a 2.00 (C) GPA or complete their classes on a semester basis will be put on a probationary status.
  • Two successive semesters of a GPA less than 2.00 (C) or failure to complete classes are considered to be grounds for suspension of benefits.
  • Students who do not earn above a 1.00 (D) GPA may be terminated without a probationary semester.

The Veterans Administration allows students who fail to meet these criteria no more than one semester to show improvement. During this probationary semester, they must achieve a semester grade point average (computed in accordance with the above requirements) of at least 2.00 (C). They will remain on probation until their CGPA is 2.00 (C) or above. Failure to make significant improvements during the probationary period will result in suspension of benefits which can be reinstated only after counseling with the Veterans Administration. Students who experience academic difficulties for any reason should contact the Student Success office for tutoring assistance, Academic Advisement and Support Center, on the campus.

Approved Classes

The VA will pay only for classes which are accepted by the college for meeting degree or certificate program requirements. No course previously taken for credit or if an "I" grade has been granted, can be repeated for benefits unless repetition of that particular class is required for graduation. Unauthorized classes, which students count as part of certified hours for VA benefits, will result in an over-payment which the student must repay to the VA. The VA will only award aid or benefits for up to 60 credit hours at Snow College. This is the required number of credits to graduate with an associate degree. Credits above this amount must be approved by the VA.

Reporting Changes

Students must report immediately any changes in credit hours because this affects their benefits and the amount paid. Changes in addresses, major areas of study, number of dependents, and withdrawals from classes, must be reported to the Snow College VA Coordinator. Failure to report changes may result in over-payments that the student will have to repay to the Veterans Administration. Forms to report all changes are available through the VA Coordinator.

Semester Certification

Each semester, a student eligible for Veterans Benefits must be recertified by the Snow College VA coordinator. This means that each semester the student must register for approved courses. The class schedule should be given to the VA certifying official for approval.

Tuition and Fees

All students are responsible for paying tuition and fees to the college. To make sure payments are made in a timely manner, please apply for benefits early. Semesters begin in August, January, and May.

In light of recent changes with the Veterans Administration, a covered individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post 9/11 benefits, will need to supply a "Certificate of Eligibility" for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or Chapter 33.  Eligibility can also be documented by including a "Statement of Benefits" obtained by the Department of Veteran's Affairs or a form VAF-28-1905 form for Chapter 31 authorization purposes.

With these documents, the College will work with the student to access their benefits to cover Snow College tuition and fees with no penalty, late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities.

Remember that the VA will only pay for approved classes. Therefore, students need to closely follow the curriculum outlined for their degree or certificate program in the Snow College catalog. Veterans must apply to receive credit for previous military training or schooling, by submitting a copy of their Release From Active Duty form, DD-214, to the Admissions Office and request an evaluation for military credit. For example, a student might receive 4 credit hours of physical education/health credit for completing Basic Training. Veterans must also submit a copy of form DD-214 to the Veteran's Coordinator. Not all transcripts will be accepted.

Definition of a Veteran

When applying for benefits, a veteran is defined as a person who has been on active duty in the Armed Forces and was released with other than a dishonorable discharge, or who is serving the National Guard, or Selective Reserves. Veterans may contact the VA Regional Office for additional information or assistance by calling 1-888-442-4551.

Student Status

For receipt of benefits

  • Full-time = 12 credits or more each semester
  • 3/4 time = 9, 10, or 11 credits per semester
  • 1/2 time = 6, 7, or 8 credits per semester
  • 1/4 time = 3, 4, or 5 credits per semester

(Chapter 31 veterans are not authorized below 1/2 time.) 
(Chapter 33 veterans must be at least 3/4 time for the housing stipend.)

Prior Credit Evaluation / Transfer Credits

Students must submit official transcripts from all colleges, applied technology schools, and military schools previously attended to the Snow College Admissions Office. Students may receive four credit hours, one physical education credit and 3 elective health credits by submitting a DD-214. To receive credits a student will need to provide a VA form DD-214. Students who do not have a DD-214 can get a copy by logging into their eBenefits account. Students must obtain a premium account which will give access to military documents, including their DD‐214. Students can also get a copy by going to and requesting it.

Transfer credits will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Registrar’s Office. The credit evaluation will be based on the service member's major and credential requirements.

Veterans Eligibility, Remedial Coursework:

The Veterans Administration will allow and pay for remedial coursework given the documented need based on ACT and SAT scores and Accuplacer testing.

Placement Testing for Remedial Coursework:

Snow College uses the ALEKS placement test to assist students in Academic Advisement. Students scoring below 25 on the ALEKS exam will be placed in a developmental math course.

(ALEKS is available to all students but will be particularly useful for students without ACT or SAT scores. Non-traditional students over the age of 22 are not required to have ACT or SAT scores for admittance purposes, therefore, ALEKS will be the primary assessment tool.)


ENGL 0980 (Writing Basics)
This course is a review of the basics of English. This course is required for students who score less than 11 on the English portion of the ACT or less than 360 on the English portion of the SAT. The course is recommended for students who score between 11-17 on the English portion of the ACT or below 470 on the English portion of the SAT.


Snow College offers a variety of math classes to meet the needs of students who have different levels of math skills.

MATH 0700 (Pre-Algebra):
This three-credit course is for students that need to review basic arithmetic/mathematics. (If the Math ACT score is below 15 or if the Math SAT score is below 380 or if the ALEKS score is below 14.)

MATH 0800 (Beginning Algebra):
This is a course in beginning algebra. (If the Math ACT score is 15-17 or if the Math SAT score is 380-439 or if the ALEKS score is 14-29.)

MATH 0850 (Math Literacy):
This course prepares a student to go directly to either MATH 1030 or MATH 1040.  A student may also use this course in place of MATH 0800 and then continue to MATH 1010 and onto MATH 1050 or MATH 1080. (If the Math ACT score is 15-17 or if the Math SAT score is 380-439 or if the ALEKS score is 14-29.)

MATH 1010: (Intermediate Algebra)
This four-credit course of intermediate algebra is for students who have only had one year of high school algebra or if they have had two years of high school algebra and averaged a grade of C+ or below. (If the Math ACT score is 18-20 or if the Math SAT score is 440-529 or if the ALEKS score is 30-45.)


The content of the Veterans section of the catalog is provided for the information of the student. It is accurate at the time of printing but is subject to change without notice in order for Snow College to stay in compliance with federal and state regulations or to accommodate circumstances beyond the college's control.

Veterans Affairs' Standards of Progress, Attendance, and Conduct for Non-College Degree (NCD) Schools and Students

Both accredited and non-accredited schools are required by law to have and to enforce standards of progress and conduct in order for their programs to be approved for VA educational benefits. The Utah State Approving Agency (SAA) also requires all schools offering non-college degree (NCD) certificate and diploma programs to have attendance standards for students in those programs.

Schools must maintain an academic record for each student. The record must show the results of each enrollment period to include the unit courses or subjects taken and the final result (e.g., grade, passed, failed, withdrawn, and incomplete). The record must be cumulative and document the progress being made toward completion of the program. When a student is discontinued for unsatisfactory progress, attendance, or conduct, the student may be reentered if one of the following conditions exists:

  • Enrollment is resumed at the same institution in the same program, and the institution approves the eligible student's enrollment and certifies the enrollment to the VA; or
  • The cause of unsatisfactory progress has been removed, and VA determines that the program being pursued is suitable to the student's aptitudes, interests, and abilities.

NOTE: Reentrance may be for the same program, for a revised program, or for an entirely different program depending on the cause of the discontinuance and removal of that cause.

Satisfactory Attendance Policy

Absence is defined as any portion of the regularly scheduled class day for which a student is not in attendance. Total hours of class absence will be converted to days for each month. There is no carryover of absences from one calendar month to another. All absences will be recorded based on the school's approved method of recording attendance.

  • A student should attend a minimum of 85% of the scheduled classes or class hours in a given month, or not miss more than three full days per month, or the student will be placed on probation for the succeeding month or 30- day period.
  • In the event that the student violates the attendance policy while serving a 30-day probation, VA benefits for the student must be terminated. The school may elect to continue the student's training, but VA benefits for the student will be terminated as of the last date of unsatisfactory attendance.
  • Any make-up of class work must be approved in writing by the institution and a copy of each approval given to the Snow College VA office by the student.
  • Official school holidays or breaks such as summer vacation or Christmas holidays, etc. are not considered as days of absence.

NOTE: Mitigating circumstances regarding attendance may include conditions beyond the student's control that prevent him/her from continuing in school or cause him/her to reduce credit. Examples are documented as illness or injury to the student, a death in the immediate family, an unavoidable change in employment, an unavoidable transfer, immediate family or financial obligations beyond control of the claimant requiring him/her to suspend pursuit of the program by the school, unanticipated active military service, or unanticipated difficulties with childcare arrangements made for the period during which the student is attending classes. This list is not all-inclusive. The Muskogee RPO, however, will make final determinations on acceptable mitigating circumstances.

Students failing to meet the school's established attendance policy may be terminated from VA education benefits. The school's certifying official will report the termination to the Veteran's Administration on VA Form 22-1999b, Notice of Change in Student Status, within 30 days of determining the actual last date of the student's attendance. The last date of attendance can be determined through any of the following methods:

  • Last active date recorded in the instructor's record;
  • Last papers submitted;
  • Last examination completed; or
  • A student's reasonable statement of last date of attendance.

Upon termination of a student, the school will refund all unused tuition and fees in accordance with the approved school refund policy within 40 days.

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence must be reasonable in duration, and not exceed the length approved in the school's catalog. All requests for leaves of absence must be in writing, signed by both the student and the appropriate school official, recorded on the school attendance records, and documented in the student's file.

Although the school may grant a leave of absence for a specific and acceptable purpose, a leave of absence will interrupt VA education benefits for the duration of the leave. This includes military leave. The school certifying official is responsible for reporting all leave of absence to the Department of Veterans Affairs on VA Form 22-1999b, Notice of Change in Student Status. The leave of absence will be reported as termination (withdrawal or interruption) and a notation in the remarks section may be made to show that the student has taken an approved leave of absence. Any leave of absence must be reported to the VA within 30 days of the beginning date of the leave of absence.

When a student returns from leave and seeks resumption of VA education benefits, the school certifying official must complete a new Enrollment Certification (VA Form 22-1999), showing all credit accrued prior to the leave. If the student fails to return from a leave, a refund of all unused tuition and fees in accordance with approved refund policy must be made within 40 days of the school's notification that the student will not return.

All students must be in compliance with Snow College's Code of Student Behavior as outlined by the college throughout this catalog. Students not following the College's code of conduct are subject to loss of benefits.

Isakson and Roe Section 1018 Requirements

Section 1018 of Public Law 116-315, Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020, adds new requirements for educational institutions participating in the educational assistance programs of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These new provisions applied to Institutions of Higher Learning August 1, 2021. The requirements are consistent with the Principles of Excellence, currently in Executive Order 13607, with some additional provisions.

Universities will provide financial information to students using benefits under chapter 30, 31, 32, 33, or 35 of title 38,U.S.C.,or chapter 1606 of title 10, U.S.C. with a College Financing Plan (personalized shopping sheet) through the Financial Aid Office.

Additional information that may benefit student: Estimated total cost of the course that insludes tuition, fees, books, supplies and any other additional costs

Cost of Attendance: the information is provided to assist students and familieswith financial planning. We include both direct costs (billed by Averett) and indirect costs (realistic allowances for the things like transportation and personal expenses)

Estimated Costs Assistance

Readmission to a Program

Service members and reservists may be readmitted to programs following a leave of absence by following the institution's readmit process with the Admissions Office.

Students who have previously attended Snow College and have not attended for consecutive semesters will need to pay a $30 nonrefundable application fee and submit a readmit/returning application.