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Student Services

Ephraim Academic Advising Office
Richfield Academic Advising Office
Career Center
Counseling & Wellness Center
Office of Disability Services
Concurrent Enrollment
Office of Residence Life
Student Life
Student Support Services (TRIO) Office
Upward Bound (TRIO) Office

Ephraim Academic Advising Office

Director:  Landon Peterson
Office Manager: Meg Brenchley (435) 283-7313
Academic Advisors: Tiffanie Baker, Shawna Cole, Barbara Dalene, Andy Naylor, Jennifer Peterson, Audrey Sanders, Shawnee Sagers, Kelly Schoppe, Katie Silvester, Ginny Smith, Sheila Smith
Academic Success Mentors:  Maia Lefevre, Catherine Freeman, Julia Smith, David Kunzler

Greenwood Student Center 246

Office Hours: 8:00-5:00 M-F
To make an appointment please call 435-283-7313, email or schedule online at: 

Richfield Academic Advising Office

Director of Student Success and Services:  Brandon Hawkins, (435) 893-2258
Student Success Coordinator:  Keira Huntsman, (435) 893-2211
Academic Advisors:
Cynthia Avery,, (435) 893-2205
Samuel McNulty

To make an appointment please call (435) 893-2234 or email

It is important to develop a balanced and coherent program of study as students work towards graduation, and all students are strongly encouraged to plan their class schedules in consultation with an Academic Advisor. These interactions will assist students to remain on track for graduation from Snow College, avoid unnecessary schedule changes, answer academic questions, and provide suggestions regarding major pre-requisites and transfer issues. The advisors will also talk to the students about their goals and interests and assist them in developing a plan to achieve their academic goals. They will provide suggestions regarding courses appropriate to students' goals and academic levels, inform students about Snow College academic policies and procedures as well as explain the importance of pertinent academic deadlines. It is recommended that students meet at least once per semester with an Academic Advisor.

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to: 

  • Prepare for and keep advising appointments
  • Be an active participant during advising appointments (ask questions, bring concerns, etc.)
  • Complete appointment action plan assigned by their advisor
  • Research transfer programs and institutions
  • Co-develop a Snow College education and transfer plan with their advisor
  • Communicate with their advisor regularly
  • Register for courses through Badger Web
  • Check their Office 365 email regularly 
Advisor Responsibilities 

Students can expect their advisor to:

  • Be prepared for advising appointments
  • Show concern about and monitor student progress
  • Create a safe space for students to share their thoughts, plans, concerns and other information
  • Connect students to campus resources
  • Keep current with catalog and policy changes
  • Assist with exploration and development of academic and career goals
  • Assist with Snow College academic plan and transfer plans
  • Maintain confidentiality and treat students with respect 

“How to” Videos: 

There are several “how-to” videos offered on the Advisement website:  Students can quickly learn about academic advising, general education requirements, student email, Canvas instructions, as well as registering for classes in a very short period of time by viewing these videos.

Academic Support

Snow College offers many academic supports to students:

Academic Advisors
Advisors help students create academic pathways to achieve their educational goals. Advisors can also help students navigate the complexities of college and transfer. Advisors help students with various academic issues.

Academic Success Mentors
Student Success Mentors are available to help students with academic skills, accountability support, and developing skills that will help students be successful in college. You can find your Academic Succes Mentor at

Faculty Members
Office hours are available to students as a time to meet with faculty members to ask questions and receive help. Please use office hours! Faculty members post their office hours near the doors of their offices.

Help Sessions
Help sessions are offered in many subject areas - particularly in math and science. Contact Jennifer Peterson at for more information. is a free resource for students provided by Snow College. Students can receive help 24/7 with most academic subjects, as well as academic skills such as note-taking, study strategies and time management. can be accessed through any Canvas course.

Math Lab
Location:  Noyes Bldg, Room 101
Contact:  Kari Arnoldsen
Phone:  (435) 283-7497

Writing Lab
Location:  Humanities Bldg. Room 165
Contact: Kent Bean
Phone: (435) 283-7461

Career Center

Director: Lisa Laird
Advisor:  Jessica Lund
Apprenticeship Coordinator:  Hailey Rippstein
Administrative Assistant:  Gina Mortensen
Phone: (435) 893-2212
Richfield Campus – Washburn 155
Ephraim Campus – Career Center (West Portable behind Business Building) 

We connect students and alumni to careers, internships, and student jobs by empowering students to pursue their career and educational goals and develop a plan for their future. We engage employers, faculty, and staff to ensure students are prepared for lifelong career development.

  • Advise students in career development, workplace readiness, resumes, cover letters, job search, interviewing, networking, internships, and careers
  • Provide Focus 2 Careers and CliftonStrengths online assessments and follow up coaching for students wishing to explore results and possible outcomes
  • Offer many sections of the one-credit Career Decisions, GNST 1500 course, so students can explore their career choices, discover their strengths and talents, and prepare for their future.
  • Deliver networking and employment events so students, faculty, and employers may connect for advice, mentoring, careers, paid internships, and 4-year transfer outcomes
  • Manage the campus Student Employment program for student job seekers and campus supervisors
  • Use Badger Handshake as our job and internship posting site at to connect students to employers both on and off-campus
  • Connect new grads and alumni to employers for career positions in Utah and beyond
  • Guide faculty in the latest traditional and electronic job search skills to incorporate into their own curriculum
  • Provide Faculty-requested workshops and classroom guest lectures on career development and leadership topics
  • Deliver mock interview events, interviewing practice software, and individual appointments so students may hone communication skills.
Job Postings

We post more than 7,000 jobs and paid internships each month on Badger Handshake. These include full-time career positions, part-time local off-campus jobs, paid internships, AND Snow College campus jobs. 

Students registered for six credits or more have a job seeker account waiting for them at Hit the big “Snow College Handshake Login” button and use your firstname.lastname and campus password to login.

Campus Jobs

Campus jobs open each year on August 1.  This gives new and returning students an equal opportunity to apply for campus jobs. ALL applications must go through the student’s Badger Handshake job seeker account and require a resume. Some jobs require additional documents such as a cover letter or class schedule which students can add to their Badger Handshake account. 

Campus jobs categories are Federal Work Study and Student Hourly.  All current students taking 6 credits or more may apply for Hourly jobs.  Only students awarded Federal Work Study through their Snow College Financial Aid package may apply for those jobs. 

Campus Job Fairs and Recruiting Events

More than 250 employers visit our campus each year to meet students about their employment openings. We post events in Badger Handshake at Events include practice interview days, employer recruiting tables, summer job fairs, and career fairs.


Internships are an opportunity for students to link theory with practice. They are temporary, on-the-job experiences intended to help students identify how their classroom studies apply to the workplace. Internships are individually arranged by the student in collaboration with a Faculty Mentor from their major or program of student, and the Employer.

Internships provide students an opportunity to explore career options through an engaged setting, apply academic materials and skills to practical work situations, provide valuable professional experience, and develop interpersonal communication skills. Typically, students who participate in an internship secure work more quickly, receive higher starting salary offers after graduation, and are promoted more rapidly than their classmates who do not pursue an internship.

Internship credit is available to students with a 2.0 GPA or higher and have taken 30 or more credits. Students may take up to 3 credits per semester and are limited to 6 total credits at Snow College. Internships require Faculty approval to add to your course load.  Internships can be part-time or full-time for a semester or summer/seasonal time period. Interns will work 45 hours for every 1 credit they receive.

Career Center Advisors will help get students started on an internship. Because students must secure their own employer/sponsor within their major or field of study before they seek out approval for the internship, the advisors will be an invaluable resource for referrals, assistance with application materials, and writing goals and objectives for their Learning Agreement which is shared and signed by their faculty mentor and on-site employer.

Counseling & Wellness Center

Director: Bryan Moulton
Counselor/Therapist: Scott Allred, Gena Barton
Office Manager/Prevention Specialist:  Rachelle Holbrook
East Portable, Near Business Building
(435) 283-7136 

The Counseling & Wellness Center provides resources to assist with various issues common to college students en route to graduation. The following services provide students with the knowledge, support, and confidence to persist in their academic efforts and personal lives.

  • Short-term therapeutic services provided by a licensed therapist
  • Support groups for self-improvement
  • Psychoeducation Groups
  • The Counseling and Wellness Center actively promotes safe, alcohol and drug-free activities for students
  • Conducts substance abuse assessments
  • Campus presentations on suicide prevention awareness and strategies
  • More than ever before, interpersonal connection is critical for student wellbeing, and the center identifies ways to improve peer-to-peer interaction
  • Daytime emergency mental health services
  • After-hours crisis services provided by licensed mental health professionals 24 hours/day through SAFE UT. Get the SAFE UT App on your phone through the App Store or go to or call (833) 372-3388

Students interested in helping others may apply to be involved in the Wellness Advocate program. Wellness Advocates respond to calls for support, collaborate with other student leaders to enhance wellness messages across various student programs, and work personally with those seeking additional knowledge or assistance.  See more at 

Office of Disability Services

ADA Coordinator: Cidney Shinsel
Greenwood Student Center 246
(435) 283-7321
Richfield Campus Coordinator: Cindy Avery
(435) 893-2205

Any student with a disability who feels that s/he needs an accommodation may contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at (435) 283-7321. Any campus visitor or guest with a disability who feels that he or she need an accommodation to participate in a campus event may contact the Office of the President at (435) 283-7010 for assistance in contacting the appropriate office for requesting the accommodation.

Any student, visitor or guest who feels s/he has been discriminated against because of a disability may contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at (435) 283-7321. If a student or guest wishes to appeal a ruling by the coordinator, he or she may contact the Vice President for Student Success at (435) 893-2216. The full grievance procedure is found on page 295 of the online catalog or at

Snow College will provide reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, or auxiliary aids to qualified students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities who voluntarily disclose to the Coordinator of Disability Services (ODS) (435) 283-7321 that they have a disability, provide documentation of the disability, request an accommodation, and meet the criteria for receipt of the accommodations.

Consistent with Federal law, Snow College does not provide individualized academic content support such as tutoring or prompters. Snow College does not provide personal services such as aides or living assistants.

Snow College is located in rural central Utah. Students who require specialized physical or psychiatric treatment will need to check treatment availability and consider the distance to services from Ephraim and Richfield.

Concurrent Enrollment 

Director: Petra Brittner (435) 283‑
Academic Advisors: Petra Brittner, Bree Daniels, Christi Orme
Registration Coordinator: Emily Burton Thomas (435) 283-7147

Students attending a public Utah high school are able to take college courses and receive college credit, as well as high school credit, through Snow College's Concurrent Enrollment program. All of the high schools in Snow College’s service area, with approval, may offer courses in English, History, Mathematics, Languages, Natural Science, Social Science and CTE. These courses are taken without the student ever leaving the high school campus.  High schools statewide may receive Snow College IVC (Interactive Video Conferencing) Concurrent Enrollment courses.  These courses are taught by Snow College instructors with high school students participating at their schools via live interactive video. See the Admissions section for eligibility requirements.  Visit for additional information.

Residence Life 

Deputy Head: Nathan Beck
Administrative Operations Officer: Ian Spackman
Administrative Assistant: Selma Jorgensen
Greenwood Student Center 260
(435) 283-7280

Snow College provides affordable on-campus housing for students on both the Ephraim and Richfield campuses.. Residence Life encourages both the social and academic growth of students and works to provide an environment conducive to such goals. With a staff of both professionals and student para-professionals trained to assist students in personal growth, students can feel safe and secure living in the Residence Halls. Applying for on-campus housing is easily done online by navigating to This process allows students to select their own rooms, request roommates and utilize a roommate-matching feature. Students have the option to apply for Fall Only, Academic Year, Spring Only and Summer Only term contract options. Room availability is on a first come first served basis, so students should consider applying prior to March 1st for Fall and Academic year contracts. (Students can still apply throughout the summer and up until Move-In day based on availability).

Residence Life provides on-campus housing students with programming/events for students, safe and secure living environments, free 24-hour lockout assistance, and roommate conflict mediation. Each Residence Hall is equipped with 24-hour camera observation, keycard entry access, on-campus security, and Resident Assistants (RAs) on-duty nightly. Public Safety officials have access to all housing facilities for the purposes of securing buildings and for emergency response. Residence Halls also include free laundry, parking, internet, and utilities. Additionally, students are welcome to communicate with our professional housing staff in the Residence Life Office if they have any concerns regarding their living arrangements or if they need someone to talk to. Our office is a safe space for any and all students seeking additional support.

Residence Life also provides Living Learning Communities (LLCs) in several on-campus housing locations. These LLCs are designated for students with particular types of interest such as Fine Arts, Athletics, or Gender Inclusivity. Students may apply to live in such communities by contacting the Office of Residence Life. Family Housing is also provided on-campus with a limited number of apartments. Payment plans are available for students and families for both housing and meal plans. These payment plans for student accounts can be setup online at

Student Life

EPHRAIM CAMPUS: Greenwood Student Center - 230
Office (435) 283-7121

Chief Student Life Officer:  Jill Trythall
Student Life - Deputy Head:  Angie Taukei'aho
Student Life - Deputy Head:  Caden Birch
Student Life Office Manager: 
Samantha Holder

RICHFIELD CAMPUS: Sorensen Administration Building - 103A
Deputy Head - Sudent Activities/Student Life & Leadership: Erin Thompson
(435) 893-2259

The professional staff of Student Life is engaged in student leadership training, orientation, retention and organizing student activities to enhance student learning outside of the classroom. Student Body Officers, as student leaders working in the Student Life Office, build upon Snow's legacy of engagement and opportunity by providing fun and diverse activities in a safe environment. Student Body Officers represent the voice of the students by programming campus events, encouraging involvement in clubs, and bringing about positive change in our campus community. Student Life manages Clubs & Organizations as part of its ongoing efforts to offer involvement opportunities to all students.

Activities and Campus Organizations

The Snow College Student Life Office organizes and coordinates campus activities, as well as offering students numerous opportunities to become involved in clubs and student government. Its primary goals are to support student academic success, provide opportunities for student recreation, and offer training in leadership skills. All student organizations, clubs and leadership teams work in coordination to plan activities and events to meet these objectives. For more information about campus activities or student organizations, please contact the Student Life Office. 

New Student Orientation

Starting college can be a big adjustment. We want to help students make a smooth transition to college. New Student Orientation will be held online prior to the start of classes each semester. Information about college life, policies, and general information is provided to give students a strong start to the college experience. Information will be provided to new students prior to the beginning of the online course.

Student Email Policy

Snow College provides all students with an email account. Students are required to use this address to receive official email communications from Snow College.  Students should check this account at least once a day. The student's email address is usually:

Snow College will deliver official campus email communications including academic updates, administrative notices, financial aid information, and student activities notifications through this email address. Types of administrative notices may include but are not limited to payroll, financial aid, library services, registration, and graduation.

Using Student Email

Each student is assigned an Office 365 email account. Please note that all Snow College correspondence will be sent to this email address. You can find more information on our website.

  • Access your new account at
  • Your login name is the same as your Snow College email (usually
  • Your password is the same one you use for BadgerWeb
Student Government

The Snow College Student Association (SCSA) is the instrument of student government and is organized according to the official Constitution of the Snow College Student Association. The Student Body President, Student Body Vice-President, Programming Chair for the Richfield campus and the Student Body Officers are elected each spring for the approaching school year. 

Students wishing to run or apply for a student body officer position must meet certain academic standards as outlined in the SCSA Constitution. Interested students should contact the Student Life Office and attend information meetings held in the Spring. 

Student Insurance

Students registered for 6 or more credits are covered by an accidental injury insurance program that covers injuries that occur while involved in campus activities (excluding participation in collegiate athletics). This policy is secondary to other insurance coverage a student may have. In the event of an accidental injury please have your supervising faculty or staff member submit an accident report to Risk Manager Staci Taylor. She can be reached at (435) 283-7120 or Following receipt of the accident report, the risk manager can assist students with the process of making an insurance claim through the accidental injury insurance provider. Students are responsible for their own medical insurance coverage, either through their parents or themselves. 

Student Support Services (TRIO) Office

Director: Mike Anderson
Academic Advisor/Instructor: Sara Golding
Tutoring/Transfer Advisor: Mardee Allen
Office Manager: Debbie Christensen
Greenwood Student Center 250
(435) 283‑7390

Student Support Services eligibility requires U.S. citizenship and intention of receiving a Bachelor degree. Other qualifiers include income status (guidelines similar to Pell Grant eligibility), or first-generation status (neither parent having a bachelor or higher degree), or a certified learning or physical disability. 

Courses offered through Student Support Services are tuition‑free to students who qualify for this federally funded program. These courses are designed to strengthen competency in English usage (grammar, writing and verbal), mathematics and study skills. Courses numbered under 1000 count as regular hours for receiving financial aid, scholarships, and full‑time student status. They do not count as hours towards graduation or honors classification. In addition to courses, Student Support Services offer academic advising, tutoring, and transfer assistance that includes visits to In-state universities. 

Persons interested in enrolling in this program should contact Student Support Services in the Greenwood Student Center, room 250, or call (435) 283‑7390. Potential participants can also apply on-line at 

Upward Bound (TRIO) Office

Director: Mike Anderson
Program Services Specialist: Pennie Mickelson
Phone: (435) 283-7181
High Tech Building, West Campus

Upward Bound serves high school students who exhibit potential for successful post-secondary level achievement. Services include tutoring, counseling, individualized instruction, social and cultural field trips and a six‑week summer component at Snow College. Students must qualify, based on federal guidelines.