Course Syllabus
Course: BUS 1020
Division: Business and Applied Tech
Department: Business
Title: Computer Technology and Applications
Semester Approved: Spring 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2026
End Semester: Fall 2027
Catalog Description: BUS 1020 is an introductory course covering computer-related topics and computer applications. Students will use the current version Microsoft Office 365 to learn the basics of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software and use all applications in a final project. Other topics may include technology concepts, security, ethics, operating systems, file management, and various technologies and computer applications related to a major or career. (Additional fee required)
Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 3; Lecture: 3; Lab: 0
Prerequisites: N/A
Corequisites: N/A
Justification: This course is an introductory computer course for beginners, non-computer majors, and business majors. The course will prepare students to improve their academic performance in many areas of study and in their lives by using current technology and professional standards.
This course fulfills requirements in various business certificates. It is a common elective for students who need to improve computer literacy.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate understanding of basic technology concepts. Students will be assessed through hands-on training, projects, and/or a signature assignment. Feedback is provided through an online skills assessment manager and/or rubrics and instructor comments.
Students will use application features to create, edit, retrieve, and save files in word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Students will be assessed through hands-on training, projects, task-based exams, capstone projects, and/or a signature assignment. Feedback is provided through an online skills assessment manager and/or rubrics and instructor comments.
Students will use spreadsheets as a computational tool and utilize formulas and functions to complete assignments containing basic math problems. Students will be assessed through hands-on training, projects, task-based exams, capstone projects, and/or a signature assignment. Feedback is provided through an online skills assessment manager and/or rubrics and instructor comments.
Students will research and become familiar with current computer technologies and applications related to education and a career and use software applications to create, organize, and share the information using appropriate software features and professional standards. Students will be assessed through projects and/or a signature project and reflection. Feedback is provided through rubrics and instructor comments.
Course objectives will be accomplished by providing students with learning experiences in the following areas:
Technology Concepts - e.g., computer terminology, security, ethics, Smart phones/homes/products, operating systems, file management, artificial intelligence, virtual reality; current computer technologies and applications related to a student's major or career choice
Word Processing - e.g., create, edit, save, and format documents; use print options (headers/footers, page numbers); insert and format tables; add research information (citations, bibliography), and insert graphic objects (SmartArt, images, shapes, etc.)
Spreadsheets - e.g., create and format worksheets; use basic formulas and functions (Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, If, And); insert and format charts
Presentations - e.g., create, modify, and format slides, apply transitions, add animation, insert objects and hyperlinks
Diverse Issues
The course is designed to foster talent in all students. Teaching resources will be representative of a variety real-world applications. Students will find relevance in their learning by researching topics of personal interest and using technology to organize, share, and analyze information.
Key Performance Indicators:
Student performance is assessed in the following areas:
Participation 0 to 10%
Assignments - Training and Projects 30 to 40%
Capstone Projects and Exams 30 to 50%
Final Project- Signature and Reflection Assignments 10 to 20%
Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Cengage Microsoft Office, Illustrated Series, current edition or equivalent text(s); Cengage SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) - an online training resource. SAM provides instant feedback and simulates the MS Office environment. (current version or equivalent)
Pedagogy Statement:
The course will be delivered through in-class demonstration and/or video, hands-on simulated training and practice using software applications, performance projects, and reflection assignments.
Accessibility features, inclusive access, and low-cost options will be considered in the selection of course materials to increase access and reduce barriers.
Students will work on a variety of formative low-stakes assignments to gain confidence in their skills before performing summative high-stakes assessments. Students may have the opportunity to form study groups and/or use discussion boards to ask questions and post content to build a sense of community.
Instructional Mediums:
Maximum Class Size: 24
Optimum Class Size: 20