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Course Syllabus

Course: BUS 2650

Division: Business and Applied Tech
Department: Business
Title: Management Principles for Entrepreneurs

Semester Approved: Spring 2019
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2024
End Semester: Fall 2024

Catalog Description: This course addresses specific management strategies related to starting, owning, operating, and growing a small business. Students will explore marketing, customer service, financial management, leadership, ethics, and growth opportunities. Real-world case studies and examples will be used throughout the course, along with contemporary readings relevant in the current business environment.

Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 3; Lecture: 3; Lab: 0

Justification: BUS 2650 is a course for students studying business and also for students in other fields who wish to successfully start and run their own business. This course is a component of the Entrepreneurship Certificate of Proficiency. Additionally, the course serves several other programs across the college, including the Commercial Music program. A common reason for small business failure is the inability to manage. This course is designed to give students the fundamentals needed to successfully manage a small business.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will understand how to build and maintain customer relationships through marketing, sales, and customer service. Students will learn about and practice these skills through readings, assignments, projects, and in-class activities. Feedback will be given by peers and the instructor.

Students will understand the human and legal aspects of starting and organizing a business. Students will learn about and practice these skills through readings, assignments, and in-class activities. Feedback will be given by peers and the instructor.

Students will understand how to analyze and manage the financial aspects of a business including cash flow, financing, and profit management. Students will learn about and practice these skills through readings, assignments, projects, and in-class activities. Feedback will be given by peers and the instructor.

Students will understand how to manage the operations of a business effectively and efficiently. Students will learn about and practice these skills through readings, assignments, and in-class activities. Feedback will be given by peers and the instructor.

This course will include the following content:
- Basics of entrepreneurship
- Business formation and organization
- Affordable marketing strategies
- Financial management
- People management
- Operations management
- Customer service

Key Performance Indicators:
Exams and Quizzes 15 to 35%

Readings ad Assignments 20 to 40%

Attendance and participation 15 to 30%

Final Project 20 to 40%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Effective Small Business Management: An Entrepreneurial Approach, Scarborough & Zimmerer, Prentice Hall, current edition

Pedagogy Statement:
Course content will be delivered through interactive class discussions, projects, team assignments, real-world application, a team research project, lecture, oral presentations, exams, and reflection.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 30
Optimum Class Size: 20