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Course Syllabus

Course: BUS 1270

Division: Business and Applied Tech
Department: Business
Title: Strategic Selling

Semester Approved: Summer 2019
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2024
End Semester: Spring 2025

Catalog Description: BUS 1270 is a pragmatic course that explores the theory and application of sales and customer service, with a focus on relationship building. Students will present multiple sales presentations based on strategies, theories, and best practices learned in class. The culmination of the course is a final sales presentation which provides an opportunity to apply what was learned throughout the term.

General Education Requirements: Integrated Exploration (IE)
Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 3; Lecture: 3; Lab: 0

Justification: Strategic selling is critical in the business world. This course is a study of the fundamentals of salesmanship emphasizing the behavioral aspects of the communication process and a systematic approach to selling. The course utilizes a consultative, relationship-oriented approach to selling. This course is common in business programs.

General Education Outcomes:
1: A student who completes the GE curriculum will have a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world, with particular emphasis on American institutions, the social and behavioral sciences, the physical and life sciences, the humanities, the fine arts and personal wellness.  Students will study and practice techniques that will allow them to be more influential in society. They will combine concepts from psychology, sociology, communication, and business to build a comprehensive toolkit to influence others. Students will be evaluated by peers and the instructor.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read, retrieve, evaluate, interpret, and deliver information using a variety of traditional and electronic media. Students are expected to deliver numerous sales presentations in a variety of settings. Students will give informational, persuasive, and motivational sales presentations. Public speaking techniques and strategies will be studied and used with individual presentations. Students will be required to research product/service information using a variety of methods and will use various methods to present information (such as actual product, digital presentation, other visual aids) Presentations will be critiqued and feedback given to improve presentation skills.

6: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively about nature, culture, facts, values, ethics, and civic policy. Students will learn the inherent ethical challenges with traditional sales positions which are generally compensated by an incentive formula. The relationship between individual ethics and corporate ethics must be understood when assessing human behavior. Students will learn to manage ethical conflicts that arise between individual employee values and management values. Students will be evaluated by peers and the instructor as cases and scenarios are discussed.

7: A student who completes the GE curriculum can either (a) solve a problem using information and methodologies from more than one discipline; or (b) identify the College’s general education outcomes and explain ways in which they have achieved those outcomes.  (a) Students will learn how to use concepts from a variety of disciplines (business, psychology, written communication, oral communication) to influence the behaviors and decisions of others.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: (b) Students will present and communicate both in class and in groups. They will evaluate each other and receive grades and feedback from the instructor. (b) Students will present and communicate both in class and in groups. They will evaluate each other and receive grades and feedback from the instructor.

2:  (b) Students will study a variety of verbal influence techniques including questioning, presenting, and gaining commitment. They will practice these skills one-at-a-time and will combine the skills in the signature assignment. Students will receive feedback from peers and the instructor.

3:  (b) Students will be taught to assess the needs of customers by using questioning techniques and by reading body language and tone of voice. They will learn the importance of assessing needs before presenting a product.Students will receive feedback from peers and the instructor.

4:  (b) Students will be taught how to seek and evaluate potential customers from multiple sources. They will also learn how to use this information to customize a sales presentation to an individual customer.

5:  (b) Students will practice the concepts learned in class during presentations, assignments, and class activities. Students will receive feedback from peers and the instructor.

6:  (b) Students will learn how to overcome objections using multiple techniques with an emphasis on doing so respectfully. Students will receive feedback from peers and the instructor.

7:  (b) Students will learn how to use the techniques covered in the class to influence a variety of positive outcomes, not just in the sales context. They will also learn the importance of ethics in influencing others. Students will receive feedback from peers and the instructor.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to understand the differences between traditional and relationship selling. Quizzes and assignments administered and graded by the instructor.

Students will understand tools and techniques to find and approach potential customers. Quizzes and assignments administered and graded by the instructor.

Students will be able to identify needs through questioning and listening. Quizzes and assignments administered and graded by the instructor.

Students will be able to develop scripts and questions to effectively present the qualities of a product or service, overcome resistance, and gain commitment. Final sales presentation graded by the instructor.

Course content will include:
- Lectures to explain, expand and supplement text assignments;
- Class discussion on text assignments;
- Case studies to generate thinking and problem-solving ability;
- Applied imagination and creative thinking to current problems;
- Oral sales presentations

Skills developed in this class include:
- Assessing the needs of others
- Effective listening and questioning
- Preparing concise and compelling statements
- Overcoming objections
- Gaining commitment

Key Performance Indicators:
Exams, class assignments and sales presentations, final sales presentation, class attendance and participation will be used to assess study progress. Student will be assessed as follows (percentages are approximate)

Exams 10 to 35%

Sales Presentations 15 to 30%

Final Presentation 15 to 25%

Attendance and Participation 10 to 30%

Assignments and Quizzes 20 to 30%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Selling: The Profession, David Lill, DM Bass (current edition);

or Selling: Building Partnerships, Stephen Castleberry and John Tanner, McGraw Hill/Irwin (current edition)

Pedagogy Statement:
Content will be taught through multi-media content (textbook, videos, etc.), class discussions, hands-on application, and reflection. The signature assignment will require students to exhibit all essential skills learned throughout the class.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 32
Optimum Class Size: 24