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Q: What is the Honors Program?

A: The Honors Program is not a club, nor is it a national society that collects money. It is an academic program of Snow College designed for students who are motivated and enjoy learning. See more information on the Honors Program website.


Q: How do I join the Honors Program?

A: There is a short online form on the Honors Program website.


Q: What does it cost to join the Honors Program?

A: Nothing. There are neither dues nor application fees. To get money flowing the other direction, we offer some small scholarships.


Q: What do I need to do to graduate with Honors?


  • Apply to the Honors Program and be accepted
  • Earn 14 Honors Points (or 11 if you arrived at Snow College with 30+ credits)
  • Complete Honors Foundations GNST 1200 (3 pts)
  • Complete Honors Capstone HONR 2900 (2 pts), including an ePortfolio and an Honors Thesis or Project

Q: How do I earn Honors Points?

A: The primary way to earn points is to take Honors courses. 1 credit = 1 point
There are also some co-curricular activities that can earn Honors points, some already pre-approved, others need case-by-case pre-approval

Q: Are Honors classes harder than regular classes?

A:Honors classes are designed to create more critical thinking, discussion, and engaging learning activities.  There is often more reading and writing but less busy work.  This 'deeper dive' doesn't necessarily result in a greater time commitment, but it often is more intellectually rewarding.


Q: Are there transfer agreements to other Honors programs in Utah?

A: Yes, so far we have a wonderful opportunity for students planning to transfer to the USU Honors Program. Contact the Honors Program Director.
