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  1. Mission

    The Snow College Faculty Senate represents the faculty in the policy-making process of the institution and partners with the administration, Board of Trustees, and staff in promoting the goals and mission of the College. The Senate both represents and preserves faculty voice as a whole on issues directly related to the following areas:

    • Academic freedom
    • Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites, and placing courses within disciplines
    • Degree and certificate requirements
    • Educational program development
    • Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
    • College governance structures as they relate to faculty roles
    • Academic standards
    • Faculty advancement, tenure and continuing review
    • Policies for faculty professional development activities
    • Processes for program review
    • Processes for institutional planning and budget development
    • Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the Board of Trustees and the Faculty Senate.
  2. Membership

    1. The Senate will consist of two senators from each division, an adjunct senator, the Faculty Association Vice President, and a student representative. Faculty serving in administrative roles above the level of department chair may not be senators or serve as senate committee members. Additional senators may be included as needed. All senators are voting members of the Faculty Senate.
      1. The division senators shall be full-time faculty members. At least one senator from each division must be tenured or have the equivalent of seven years teaching experience at Snow College. The remaining senators shall be junior or senior full-time faculty members who have taught at either campus for at least one academic year.
      2. Additional senators shall be full-time faculty members.
      3. An adjunct senator shall be selected by the Snow College adjunct community and must have taught at either campus for at least one academic year and be currently employed by Snow College. The adjunct senator shall be recognized as a voting senator, but may not serve as Senate president nor Vice President.
      4. The Faculty Association Vice President shall be recognized as a voting senator, but may not serve as Senate president nor Vice President.
      5. A non-voting student representative shall be chosen by the student government.
    2. The Faculty Senate may appoint a parliamentarian to provide administrative support. All the parliamentarian’s actions will be conducted with the approval and authority of the Senate president. The parliamentarian will be a full-time faculty member, but will be a non- voting member of the Faculty Senate. However, the parliamentarian may be asked questions regarding procedure.
      1. The Senate president and Vice President shall conduct a yearly review of the parliamentarian and recommend that he or she continue in the position or call for the appointment of a new parliamentarian with Senate approval.
    3. Terms of Office:
      1. Each division senator will serve a three-year term. Senatorial service will be limited to two consecutive terms with a minimum one-year break before reelection. One- third of the Senators will be elected each year by division-wide election. Division elections and ongoing additional senatorial elections will be completed by January 20th to ensure that new senators can arrange schedules to meet at the designated time during their terms of office.
      2. The adjunct senator shall be selected by an early fall semester, electronic mail-in nomination and election process administered by the Faculty Senate. The adjunct senator will serve a 3-year, renewable term while employed by Snow College. Service will be limited to two consecutive terms with a minimum one-year break before reelection.
      3. The term for the Faculty Association Vice President shall be as indicated by the Faculty Association bylaws.
      4. The method of selection and terms of additional senators will be determined by the Senate.
      5. In the case of Senate reorganization or other exigencies, some terms may be designated one- or two-year terms at the discretion of the current Senate.
    4. Taking Office: Senators-elect may attend Senate meetings as non-voting members before they assume their respective offices and designated duties on July first.
    5. In a Spring Semester Senate meeting of each academic year, the Faculty Senate shall determine the process for election of a president and Vice President for the next school year (see 3.1). The senate shall make committee assignments no later than September.
    6. Filling Vacated Senate Member Seats, Proxies, and Unexcused Absences:
      1. The resignation of a member of the Senate will be accepted and is valid on notification in writing to the Senate.
      2. Members of the Senate may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate; however, the senator under consideration for removal may not vote on the issue.
        1. If allegations of inappropriate behavior are brought against a sitting Senate member by another Senate member, the Senate president shall ensure that an investigation is made in a timely manner.
        2. A motion for removal shall not come to the floor of the Senate until after an investigation and report have been completed by an ad hoc committee of Senate members appointed by the Senate president and the results of the investigation presented to the Senate during a regularly scheduled meeting. If the senator considered for removal is the Senate president, the Vice President will take over the duties of the president in this process. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
      3. Senate seats vacated by resignation, incapacity, or removal shall be filled for the duration of said Senate member’s term by election or appointment in that senator’s division, community, or by an all-faculty election for an additional position.
      4. A member of the Senate who is unable to attend a regularly scheduled Senate meeting may designate a proxy representative. The Senate member must notify the Senate president of his or her absence and inform the president of the name of the chosen proxy. In the event of excessive absences, the Senate seat shall be considered “vacated” by discussion of the Senate and procedure to fill the seat will begin (see 2.6.3).
  3. Organization of the Senate

    1. President and Vice President of the Senate: The president and Vice President of the Senate shall be tenured faculty members or professional track faculty members with seven years of teaching experience at Snow College and at least one year of service as a senator. The Faculty Association Vice President and adjunct senator may not serve as Senate president nor Vice President. The president and Vice President are elected by the Senate in separate elections to renewable one-year terms by secret ballot (see 2.5). In accordance with Regents Rule 223, the Senate President is allowed release time to attend meetings and conduct business.
    2. The duties and responsibilities of the Senate President (or Vice President if the president is not available) include the following:
      • Represent the Senate and the faculty at meetings of the Board of Trustees
      • Call and chair Senate meetings
      • Consult with senators and the parliamentarian in the compilation of the meeting agendas
      • Attend and serve as a voting member of the College Council
      • Meet with the college president regularly and with the CAO regularly
      • Attend other meetings and work on ad hoc committees as requested by the president of the college or CAO
      • Advocate for the Senate and the faculty
      • Train and orient new senators
    3. Responsibilities of all senators:
      • Assist in setting the committee agendas
      • Read and review policy, and come prepared for each Senate meeting
      • Act as voting members of Senate
      • Serve and report on standing committees to which they are assigned
      • Serve on college and/or ad hoc committees as assigned
      • Act as liaisons between the Senate and their divisions/colleagues
      • Advocate for the Senate and the faculty
    4. Parliamentarian: The parliamentarian is responsible for taking, distributing, and posting meeting minutes. The parliamentarian will also be responsible for helping the president develop the agenda, researching relevant historical actions related to current Senate discussions, and maintaining Robert’s Rules in Senate meetings.
    5. – The Snow College Senate accomplishes much of its mission through the work of Senate committees. The following are committees and subcommittees of the Faculty Senate (see 4.5):
      • Advancement and Tenure Committee
      • Curriculum Committee - The General Education Committee and Academic Standards Committee are subcommittees of the Curriculum Committee.
      • Teaching and Learning Center Committee
      • Professional Track Committee
      • Globalization and Belonging for All Committee
      • Honors Committee
      • Library Committee
      • Service Learning Committee
    6. The creation of any sub-committee by a Senate committee requires the approval of the Faculty Senate.
    7. Each committee and subcommittee of the Faculty Senate will include a senator as a voting member.
  4. Operations

    1. Presiding Authority: The Senate Presiding Officer shall be its president. In the absence of the president, the Vice President shall preside. In the absence of both officers, the meeting will be adjourned.
    2. Senate Meetings: The Senate shall hold at least one regular meeting at a stated time each month, September through April. In addition, special meetings shall be convened by the president of the Senate or, in the president’s absence, the Vice President:
      • When requested by the President of the College; or
      • When requested by written petition of at least ten percent of the faculty members; or
      • When requested in writing by thirty percent of the senators; or
      • When approved by the Senate during a regular meeting.
      1. Senate meetings are open to all faculty, administrators, and other interested persons except during closed sessions.
      2. Senate Agenda: Agenda items may be considered from the following sources:
        • Any senator; or
        • The President of the College or the College Council; or
        • Written petitions signed by at least ten percent of the faculty.
      3. Proposed agenda items must be received at least two academic days before the meeting: Matters not on the agenda may be considered by the Senate at any meeting with the consent of a majority of Senate members present.
    3. General Faculty Meetings: Meeting of the general faculty of the college may be called by the Senate president or Senate Vice President, the Faculty Association president, or upon petition by one-third of the Faculty of the College to review any action taken by the Senate or its committees. Such petition shall specify the items to be considered.
    4. College Council Representative Selection: The College Council consists of representatives from faculty, staff, and students. The faculty composition includes the following voting members: Faculty Senate President; Faculty Association President; a dean; and two at-large, full-time faculty members. If the Senate President and/or Association President are unable to attend a meeting, another member of their respective committee will attend in their place. The College Council has tasked the Faculty Senate with selecting the two at-large faculty representatives on the committee. One at-large representative shall be from the Ephraim campus and the other from Richfield. The at-large positions are selected on a two-year rotating schedule. The Faculty Senate will hold campus-wide elections for the at-large position each Spring to begin the following academic year. At-large representatives’ responsibilities include the consideration of adjunct faculty voices.
    5. When the need for the formation of a new standing or ad hoc committee is recognized, such a committee will be constituted by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate. Additionally, an existing committee whose purpose is no longer evident can be disbanded by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senate.
    6. Procedures for amending the Faculty Senate Bylaws shall be as follows:
      1. Amendments to these bylaws may be adopted at any regular business meeting of the Faculty Senate. Proposals must be received as a written statement and must be submitted by at least two people, at least one of whom is a sitting senator. The proposed changes shall be discussed and voted upon in a regular Senate meeting. To approve the proposed changes, two thirds of the entire Senate must vote in the affirmative.
      2. Senate bylaws will be posted on the Senate website.
  5. Appeal of Committee Decisions

    1. Any decision made by a Senate committee may be appealed to the Faculty Senate through the following process. The appeal can be initiated by:
      • A senator; or
      • The College President or Chief Academic Officer; or
      • A petition signed by ten percent of the faculty; or
      • In the case of an Advancement and Tenure decision, the individual concerned.
    2. The Senate will then take a vote and the appeal will be decided by two-thirds majority of senators.
    3. The Senate, in its deliberations, may choose to consult with individuals, written documents, or poll the faculty at large before deciding.
    4. The vote will either uphold the committee position or overturn it. The issue(s) may be sent back to the committee for further review.
    5. If the committee of the Senate and the Senate are at an impasse on a committee decision, the Senate position shall prevail.
  6. Referendum

    1. A call for a referendum of a Senate decision shall require a petition containing signatures of one third of the faculty.
    2. A repeal of a Senate decision shall require a majority vote of the full-time faculty.


Updated: 4/28/2022
Approved: 4/27/2022
WebPage Updated: 4/28/2022