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Stringfellow Finds her Strengths through the Career Center

Stringfellow finds her strengths through the Career Center

Mattie Stringfellow, a May graduate, came to the Snow College Richfield Career Center on several occasions seeking help from advisors. While attending Snow College, she worked at the Student Success Center and Library on the Richfield campus.

“The Career Center helped me improve my resume and cover letter to participate in State PBL, (an organization where students compete in business and career-related areas),” Stringfellow said. To further her preparation, she participated in a mock interview with an advisor. “The mock interview gave me the confidence to walk into that job interview contest and do well. With that confidence, I was able to qualify for Nationals.”

After her nomination for a Lorenzo Snow Award as student employee of the year at Snow College, Stringfellow attended a workshop centered on exploring her personality preferences and strengths. “The Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment helped me focus on the positive.”

Stringfellow discovered that her top five strengths are restorative, harmony, empathy, developer, and responsibility. With her newly acquired skills, Stringfellow plans to transfer to a university and pursue a degree in business management with a possible emphasis in social media management. She is working for Fish Lake Resorts this summer, a job she secured doing on-campus interviews in Richfield.