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Academic Standards Committee

Academic Standards Committee Membership

  • Merrill Worthington, Office of Financial Aid, Chair
    • Phone: 435-283-7131
    • Office: Greenwood Student Center, Financial Aid Office
    • Email: ude.wons@notgnihtrow.llirrem
  • Rachel Keller, Faculty Senate
  • Udambor Bumandalai, Faculty
  • Mckay Anderson, Faculty
  • Alex Marshall-Snyder, Registrar
  • Sara Golding, Student Support Services


Academic Standards Constitution 

1. Purpose

The Academic Standards Committee adjudicates issues involving academic sanctions against students. The committee reviews student appeals involving academic dishonesty and academic status. The committee may also review policies and make recommendations for policy changes in these areas. The committee also rules on petitions to exceptions to academic policies.

2. Membership

The Academic Standards Committee is a subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee that meets as needed to rule on academic appeals. The voting body consists of appointed representatives from Student Support Services or the Student Success Center, the Office of Financial Aid, the Registrar’s Office, and  two faculty representatives appointed by the Curriculum Committee. One additional faculty member will be appointed by Faculty Senate. 

A member’s term of office shall be two years (renewable). Membership is limited to four consecutive years, with at least two years between terms of additional service.

The Academic Standards Committee will elect a chair from the committee members. The Faculty Senate representative will not be eligible to serve as chair. The chair’s term shall be one year (renewable).

3. Duties of the Chair

The chair oversees the procedures of the Academic Standards Committee and ensures the policies and procedures established by the College are followed..

The chair receives academic appeals from students and communicates with students, faculty, advisors, and others as needed through the appeal process. The chair follows established policies regarding communication with students.

The chair receives reports of academic honesty violations from faculty and communicates with students and faculty according to established policies.

The chair orients new committee members and ensures all committee members know and understand academic standards and policies.

The chair calls the committee to session as needed to discuss and vote on appeals. Appeals may also be voted on via email.

The chair acts as liaison between the Curriculum Committee and Standards Committee, bringing necessary topics (such as revision of policies or procedures) to both committees’ attention as necessary.

The chair reports on decisions of all appeals and reports of academic honesty violations to the Curriculum Committee chair, who will include them as information items on meeting agendas.

4. Powers of the Members

Each member of the committee will have one vote on motions. A motion passed by a majority of the members of the committee or those present will constitute final decisions of appeals (with at least 4 votes required to pass a motion). In the case of a split vote on academic appeals, the vote will go in favor of the student.

If a meeting is required, members must be in attendance to vote. Members should be available year-round to meet in person if required. If a member is unable to meet, he/she may invite a colleague to attend and vote via proxy.

5. Duties of the Committee

To ensure academic standards and policies are equitably applied to students, the Standards Committee carries out the following duties:

  • The committee knows and understands academic standards and policies.
  • The committee may make suggestions to the Curriculum Committee on revisions of academic standards and policies.
  • The committee rules on appeals from students regarding add/drop, semester and course withdrawal, and other extenuating circumstances that may warrant an exception to academic policies.
  • The committee oversees and investigates academic honesty violations submitted by faculty.

6. Appeals

Processes for appeals are found in the Curriculum Committee governing documents, in the Academic Standards Committee bylaws, and in the current catalog.

7. Bylaws

The Academic Standards Committee drafts its own bylaws covering day-to-day operations, schedules, and procedures. See bylaws document.


Approved: 4/26/2022