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Faculty & Staff

We prepare Snow College students and recent graduates to enter the workforce and teach them the necessary job search skills to secure employment throughout their lifetime.  We support your students in gaining internships or careers that match their academic training. We also support faculty through employer outreach, internship program development, employer academic need surveys, student exit outcome surveys, and more.


As an additional service, let us teach your class the next time you have a conference or a need to work away from campus for a day.  We will send an expert to speak to your class or your student organization.

We offer customized 50-minute presentations on a number of career & internship search skills.  Topics include:
  • Build a resume and cover letter that showcases your abilities
  • Five tips to Ace the Interview
  • Conflict resolution - What is your workplace conflict style and how do you manage it?
  • Myer-Briggs Type Indicator assessment and how your unique personality works with others
  • CliftonStrengths – Use your top 5 unique strengths for personal success
  • CliftonStrengths - leverage your unique report for resume development, interviewing, & more
  • Workplace Diversity – includes scenarios and case studies to resolve
  • Negotiating & how to evaluate a job offer
  • Look Sharp: professional workplace behavior and appearance
  • Personal Branding and LinkedIn– what does your online presence say about you?
  • Federal & State Jobs require unique search strategies & we're certified to guide you
  • Small group formation and group dynamics in organizations
  • Showcase volunteer roles, internships and part-time jobs on your resume
  • Make connections through networking
  • and other career topics customized to your majors or interests

Don't Cancel Class

The Snow College Career Center team is available to assist you when you are unable to lecture. Benefits include:

  • Your students gain your choice of career & professional development skills geared to your majors and classes!
  • We have locations on both Ephraim and Richfield campuses, no matter where your class is located we can help! We offer zoom/teams options,too.
  • You have a qualified guest lecturer to provide quality content!

Please contact, 435-893-2212, or, 435-893-2221 to discuss options.

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We prefer two weeks' notice before you need.  Please contact, 435-893-2212, or, 435-893-2221 to follow up if timing is less. We can look at our own calendars or suggest other campus experts.
