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The Hacks to Having a Flourishing Life

The Hacks to Having a Flourishing Life

Dave Schramm, known as “Dr. Dave”, is an Assistant Professor and Family Life Extension Specialist at Utah State University. He shares his ten happy hacks to have a flourishing life.

1.       Pay Attention. You are happier and healthier when you are mindful.

2.       Cherish Your Friends. It is important to make time for the people in your life. Be 100% present when spending time with your family and friends.

3.       Use Your Strengths. Get to know your strengths and then design your life in a way you can use them.

4.       Give Thanks. The good moments in the past and the present should be savored.

5.       Get Moving. You can boost your happiness and lower your stress when you regularly exercise.

6.       Drop Grudges. Unburden and open your heart by forgiving and forgetting.

7.       Smile More. Smiling allows you to have sunshine in your life and will spread to others. Your overall well-being is affected by what we broadcast with our face, voice, and body language.

8.       Practice Kindness. Feel good by doing good and serving others. One of the best ways to boost your mood is to do something kind for someone else.

9.       Make a Record. Write down the good things that happen in your life.

10.     Find Flow. Give yourself time to do activities that use your strengths. Flow happens when you are focused and immersed in an activity that brings you joy.

Happiness comes when we are flourishing in our own personal lives. Visit, a website that Dr. Dave created, for more happy hacks.