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Course Syllabus

ENGR 1400 Programming Fundamentals

  • Division: Natural Science and Math
  • Department: Computer Science & Engineering
  • Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 3; Lecture: 3; Lab: 0
  • Prerequisites: MATH 1050
  • Corequisites: ENGR 1405
  • Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
  • Semester Approved: Spring 2024
  • Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2029
  • End Semester: Fall 2029
  • Optimum Class Size: 20
  • Maximum Class Size: 24

Course Description

This course introduces the discipline of computing and emphasizes problem-solving and programming. Considerable time is devoted to learning how to solve problems using a current programming language. Basic principles of program design and implementation are introduced.


This course is equivalent to CS 1400, but it is taught in a different programming language more appropriate for non-software (non-computer science) engineering disciplines.This is the first course for students pursuing a computer science degree. It is part of the recommended curriculum for engineering majors at Snow College and is designed to be similar to CS 1400 course at other institutions in the state.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will know the basic data types, control structures, and programming approaches for a current programming language.
  2. Students will be able to solve problems by developing algorithms and implementing those algorithms using a current programming language.

Course Content

The following topics will be covered in this course: Introduction to computers and programming; Data representation; Control structures; Functions; Arrays; Social context of computing.The course emphasizes the relevance of these skills to a wide variety of personal and professional pursuits and makes an effort to highlight contributions made by those from various demographics.