Course Syllabus
Course: BIOL 1425
Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Biology
Title: Environmental Biology Laboratory
Semester Approved: Fall 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2027
End Semester: Summer 2028
Catalog Description: The environmental biology laboratory allows students hands-on application and experimentation of principles taught during environmental biology lecture. This component (BIOL 1425) is optional, but in order to count as a laboratory experience, it must be taken concurrently with BIOL 1420. (Lab fee required).
General Education Requirements: Life Science Lab (LB)
Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 0; Lab: 2
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: The laboratory BIOL 1425 must be taken concurrently with the lecture BIOL 1420.
Justification: The Environmental Biology Laboratory (BIOL-1425) satisfies the science laboratory GE requirement for Snow College. Some majors at the four-year colleges and universities require both the laboratory and the lecture. This course is designed to transfer to other schools in the state of Utah to fulfill general education science lab requirements.
General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: Students will complete a series of laboratory exercises that require them to use the scientific method, collect data, analyze results, and summarize findings. As students complete labs, they will gain a deeper understanding of applicable biological processes. They will be evaluated based on lab reports, quizzes, and the final project. Students will complete a series of laboratory exercises that require them to use the scientific method, collect data, analyze results, and summarize findings. As students complete labs, they will gain a deeper understanding of applicable biological processes. They will be evaluated based on lab reports, quizzes, and the final project.
Through a combination of field work and lab projects the course will cover the following topics:Primary ProductivityPopulation GrowthPopulation DynamicsBiodiversity MeasuresSoil CharacteristicsToxicity TestingAir PollutionWater QualityFracking and EarthquakesEnergyPlastics and RecyclingTragedy of the CommonsThis class is naturally suited to teach about a variety of perspectives. Emphasis will be placed on analyzing different view points and finding middle ground. Care will be taken to bring in content from diverse areas (authors and perspectives).
Key Performance Indicators:
Quizzes and Participation 10 to 40%
Lab Reports 30 to 60%
Final Exam or Project 10 to 30%
Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Snow College Environmental Biology Laboratory Manual.
Environmental Science Workbook Lab Reports. Carolina. Current Edition.
Pedagogy Statement:
The environmental biology laboratory allows students hands-on application and experimentation of principles taught during environmental biology lecture. Labs are at their core, a high impact practice. Students will learn to think critically, interpret data, evaluate information, communicate clearly, about life in the world around them. Instructors will work to become aware of the unique experiences of all students, including students from diverse backgrounds by creating a positive classroom environment through attitude, expectations, behavior, and learning students' names/backgrounds/identities.
Instructional Mediums:
Maximum Class Size: 30
Optimum Class Size: 16