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Visual and Performing Arts (Meta-Major)

Multiple people in the middle of a dance performance.

An associate degree in Visual and Performing Arts provides a broad foundation in creative expression, artistic techniques, and the study of the arts. It fosters skills in creativity, communication, and critical analysis, preparing students for diverse careers or further academic study. This degree nurtures a passion for the arts and a deeper appreciation of visual and performance mediums, making it an excellent choice for students exploring options in art, dance, music, theater, or related fields but who are not yet ready to commit to a specific area of focus.

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Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 19-21 credits
Meta-major Requirements 5-6 credits
Choose 5-6 credits from this list:
ART 1110 Drawing 1 3
ART 1120 2D Surface 3
ART 1130 3D Space 3
ART 1140 4D Time 3
ART 1150 Photo I 3
DANC 1130 Ballet II 2
DANC 1230 Modern Dance II 2
MUSC 1110 Music Theory I 3
MUSC 1130 Sight Singing/Ear Training I 1
THEA 1033 Acting I 3
THEA 1513 Stagecraft 3
THEA 1713 Script Analysis 3
Total 60 credits