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Social Science (Meta-Major)

Human mind with multiple arrows.

An associate degree in Social Science offers a broad foundation in the study of human behavior, society, and social structures. It fosters critical thinking, communication, and research skills, preparing students for diverse careers or further academic pursuits. This degree encourages curiosity about the complexities of social interactions and a deeper understanding of cultural, economic, and political systems. It is an excellent choice for students exploring options in areas like economics, geography, history, or political science but who are not yet ready to commit to a specific major.

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Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 18-20 credits
Meta-major Requirements 6 credits
Choose 6 credits from this list:
ANTH 1000 Introduction to Anthropology 3
ECON 1740 US Economic History 3
ECON 2010 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
GEOG 1300 People and Places of the World 3
HIST 1500 Ancient World Civilizations 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 US History to 1877 3
HIST 2710 US History from 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3
POLS 2100 Introduction to International Relations 3
Total 60 credits