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Pre-Health Professions (Meta-Major)

Dentist working on a patient

An associate degree in Pre-Health Professions provides a strong foundation in the sciences and knowledge essential for pursuing a career in healthcare. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, preparing students for further study in fields such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, and more. This degree nurtures a passion for helping others and a deeper understanding of the biological and social aspects of health, making it an excellent choice for students exploring options in healthcare but who are not yet ready to specialize in a specific area.

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Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 18-20 credits
Meta-major Requirements 6 credits
Choose 6 credits from this list:
EXSC 2010 Introduction to Exercise Science 3
EXSC 2600 Introduction to Sports Medicine 3
CHEM 1210/5 Principles of Chemistry and Lab 5
CHEM 1110/5 Elementary Chemistry 5
BIOL 2320/5 Human Anatomy and Lab * 4
BIOL 2420/5 Human Physiology and Lab * 4
Total 60 credits

* In most cases, take BIOL 1610/1615 - Biology I first.