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Physics, Engineering, and Math (Meta-Major)

Snow College students writing math equations

An associate degree in Physics, Engineering, and Math offers a comprehensive foundation in understanding the principles of the physical universe, mathematical reasoning, and engineering design. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, preparing students for diverse careers or further study in science, technology, and engineering fields. This degree encourages a curiosity about how things work and a deeper understanding of the laws and systems that govern the world, making it an ideal choice for students exploring options in physics, engineering, or mathematics but who are not yet ready to commit to a specific focus.

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Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 14-20 credits
Meta-major Requirements 6-10 credits
Choose 6 credits from this list:
CHEM 1210/5 Principles of Chemistry and Lab 5
MATH 1210 Calculus I 5
MATH 1220 Calculus II 4
ENGR 2240 Surveying and Global Positioning 3
ENGR 1400/5 Programming Fundamentals and Lab 4
ENGR 1300 Engineering Graphics and Design-Mechanical 3
PHYS 2210/5 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I and Lab 5
MATH 2040 Applied Statistics 4
Total 60 credits