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Students discussing concepts from a book together

Philosophy is an excellent major for those who enjoy discussing and learning about the big questions of life. Philosophy majors also study human nature and the history of human thought and experience. Through the study of philosophy, students deepen their critical thinking and writing skills, which are sought-after skills in many professions.

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Freshman (Semester 1)
Course Title Credits
ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3
American Institutions 3
GNST 1200 Foundations 3
Foreign Language 1010 5
Elective 1
Freshman (Semester 2)
Course Title Credits
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing 3
MATH 1030 Quantitative Literacy 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Foreign Language 1020 5
Elective 1
Sophomore (Semester 3)
Course Title Credits
PHIL 1250 Reasoning and Rational Decision Making 3
Social and Behavioral Science 3
Life Science with a lab 4
Fine Arts 3
Elective 2
Sophomore (Semester 4)
Course Title Credits
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Physical Science 3
Elective 9
  • PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3 credits
  • PHIL 1250 Reasoning and Rational Decision-Making 3 credits
  • PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3 credits

While we recommend that philosophy students earn the Associate of Art (AA), an AS in Philosophy is also available. Please see your academic advisor for details.

Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 18-20 credits
Meta-major Requirements 6 credits
Choose 6 credits from this list:
ARTH 2710
or ARTH 2720
Art History Survey I
Art History Survey II
ENGL 2510 American Literature I 3
ENGL 2520 American Literature II 3
ENGL 2610 British Literature I 3
ENGL 2620 British Literature II 3
ENGL 2700 Introduction to Critical Literature/Theory 3
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 1250 Reasoning and Rational Decision-Making 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics and Values 3
Total 60 credits

Written communication skills are prized by employers, and you can develop those at Snow. Add to your resume by earning a certificate in Writing and Rhetoric.

Students who major in philosophy can pursue a variety of careers, including the following: lawyer, teacher/professor, marketing/sales professional, manager, consultant, and psychologist.

Discover ways you can transfer your credits to some of the following colleges:

For more information on transferring within public colleges and universities in Utah, see UtahTransferGuide.