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The economics program at Snow College offers students a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of microeconomics and the principles of macroeconomics, tailored to meet the needs of diverse learners in diverse majors. Students who study economics will build a strong foundation for microeconomics and principles of macroeconomics that equips students with vital analytic, cognitive, and pragmatic skills for applications to real-world problems.

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Freshman (Semester 1)
Course Title Credits
MATH 1050 College Algebra 4
ENGL 1010 Introduction to Writing 3
ECON 1010 Economics as a Social Science 3
GNST 1200 Foundations 3
Humanities 3
Freshman (Semester 2)
Course Title Credits
ECON 1740 U.S. Economic History 3
POLS 1100 American/US National Government 3
MATH 2040 Applied Statistics 4
Physical Science 3
Electives 2
Sophomore (Semester 3)
Course Title Credits
MATH 1100 Applied Calculus 4
ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting 3
Life Science with a Lab 4
ECON 2010 Microeconomics 3
Electives 1
Sophomore (Semester 4)
Course Title Credits
ACCT 2020 Managerial Accounting 3
ECON 2020 Macroeconomics 3
ENGL 2010 Intermediate Writing 3
Fine Arts 3
Electives 3
Note: the information above will make a student transfer-ready for a Economics BS program at another school. Below are the base requirements to earn the AS in Economics at Snow College:
  • ECON 1740 US Economic History 3 credits
  • ECON 2010 Principles of Microeconomics 3 credits
  • ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 credits

While we recommend that economics students earn the Associate of Science (AS), an AA in economics is also available. The Associate of Arts has the same requirements as the AS with the addition of a foreign language (complete a 1020-level language course). Please see your academic advisor for full details.

Course Title Credits
General Education Courses 34-36 credits
Elective Credits 18-20 credits
Meta-major Requirements 6 credits
Choose 6 credits from this list:
ANTH 1000 Introduction to Anthropology 3
ECON 1740 US Economic History 3
ECON 2010 Introduction to Microeconomics 3
GEOG 1000 Physical Geography 3
GEOG 1300 People and Places of the World 3
HIST 1500 Ancient World Civilizations 3
HIST 1510 Modern World Civilizations 3
HIST 2700 US History to 1877 3
HIST 2710 US History from 1877 3
POLS 1100 American National Government 3
POLS 2100 Introduction to International Relations 3
Total 60 credits
  • Political Science
  • History

Students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty doing economics research. This research can lead to publication in academic journals.

The field of economics offers a vast array of opportunities in careers ranging from banking, business, education, financial advisor, market analyst, statistician, and more. Some economic majors end up on Wall Street while others prefer entrepreneurship—and everything in between!

Discover ways you can transfer your credits to some of the following colleges:

For more information on transferring within public colleges and universities in Utah, see UtahTransferGuide.