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Course Syllabus

Course: ESL 1040

Division: Humanities
Department: English/Second Language
Title: Level 3 Content-Based Reading

Semester Approved: Spring 2021
Five-Year Review Semester: Fall 2025
End Semester: Fall 2026

Catalog Description: This course is designed to develop reading skills needed to prepare students to participate in academic coursework in colleges and universities. Students will read and discuss a variety of authentic texts and be introduced to specific discourse markers. The course will contribute to vocabulary development. Some emphasis will be placed on reading for entertainment and general information.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 2; Lecture: 4; Lab: 0

Prerequisites: Successful completion of ESL 0441 or placement in ESL 1040 through the department

Justification: The ESL Department at Snow College houses the intensive ESL program which is accredited through the American Association of Intensive English Programs (AAIEP).The four-level program provides instruction for students at Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 (elementary through exiting levels). This course is part of the core curriculum for Level 3. This course prepares ESL students for the academic reading that will make up an integral part of their study in regular academic college courses.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Successful ESL 1040 students will know and use strategies to approach academic readings and successfully comprehend them. Students will have made significant gains in vocabulary usage in various content areas. Students will demonstrate the mastery of these skills through class participation and presentations, homework, quizzes and tests.

The course will focus on academic reading comprehension from a variety of texts from various academic fields of study. Typical themes for academic readings are diverse in topics which include world health issues, social sciences, linguistics, science, education, and world history.

Key Performance Indicators:
The following ranges will be used for the purpose of assessment. In order to pass the course, students must demonstrate a B mastery of course materials. Students who earn a grade below B (85%) will be required to repeat the course.

Attendance and Particpation 10 to 15%

Homework 15 to 25%

Presentations 10 to 15%

Quizzes 15 to 20%

Tests 25 to 35%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Kenneth J. Pakenham, Making Connections: An Interactive Approach to Academic Reading, current edition, Cambridge University Press

Pedagogy Statement:
ESL courses consist of students representing diverse cultural, linguistic, and background knowledge which serves as a resource, strength, and benefit. All students are welcomed to share their unique backgrounds and experiences while giving presentations, working in small groups or pairs, contributing to class discussions, or reacting to reading passage content-based conversations with personal insights. Moreover, various learning needs of all students, regardless of their age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, nationality, race, religion, sexuality, and socioeconomic status are acknowledged and accommodated through uses of various types of teaching methods, learning activities, and modes of evaluation.

Instructional Mediums:



Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 10