Course Syllabus
Course: ESL 1080
Division: Humanities
Department: Teach English as Second Lang
Title: Level 3 Grammar
Semester Approved: Fall 2020
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2026
End Semester: Spring 2026
Catalog Description: This course is designed to give ESL students at the advanced level a review of English grammar. English grammar structural problems common to many ESL learners will be dealt with in this course.
Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 2; Lab: 0
Prerequisites: Successful completion of ESL 0451 or placement in ESL 1080 through the department
Justification: The ESL Department at Snow College houses the intensive ESL program which is accredited through the American Association of Intensive English Programs (AAIEP). The four-level program provides instruction for students at Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 (elementary through exiting levels). This course is part of the core curriculum for Level 3.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will improve the grammar in their written work. Students will demonstrate improvement in their understanding and use of specific English grammatical structures taught in the course through performance on discrete point exams, responses to open-ended questions and written essays.
Students will be assigned exercises and activities to give them an understanding of grammatical features including the tense system in English with particular attention to subject-verb agreement, the past time frame, the present time frame, article usage and the conditional mood.
Diverse perspectives drive the curriculum in that each language learner comes with unique challenges and perspective regarding the content.
Key Performance Indicators:
Percentages are approximate. In order to pass this course, students must demonstrate a B (85%) mastery of course materials. Students who earn a grade below B will be required to repeat the course.
At the instructor's discretion the following criteria will be used for the purpose of assessment:
Attendance 15 to 25%
Homework 15 to 25%
Quizzes 15 to 25%
Exams 15 to 25%
Writing assignments 15 to 25%
Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Azar, Betty S. and Stacy A. Hagan, Understand in Using English Grammar, current edition, Pearson/Longman, White Plains, NY.
Pedagogy Statement:
All ESL courses are taught by presentation, group work, discussion and evaluation. Non-native English speaking students from all over the globe are welcome and included in the Snow College ESL program at the appropriate English language level.
Research-based and pedagogically sound teaching methods will be applied to effectively reaching, engaging, and attending to the success of students from a variety of different national, cultural, and learning backgrounds, recognizing their various tendencies, strengths, and challenges in 2nd language acquisition, and developing these through an appropriate balance and variety of class work.
Instructional Mediums:
Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 10