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Course Syllabus

Course: COMM 2300

Division: Fine Arts, Comm, and New Media
Department: Communications
Title: Introduction to Public Relations

Semester Approved: Fall 2023
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2028
End Semester: Summer 2029

Catalog Description: This course introduces various perspectives on public relations, as manifested in the theories, methods, principles, and practices which predominate in the field. Special emphasis is placed on preparing and organizing various types of oral presentations appropriate to the field.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 3; Lecture: 3; Lab: 0

Justification: Increasingly, communication professionals are required to have knowledge of public relations practices. Many higher education institutions in Utah and throughout the US offer Public Relations programs and often require an introductory course for specific majors.

General Education Knowledge Area Outcomes:
1: Students will know how to research, evaluate, interpret, and give oral presentations on current public relations theories, practices and trends. Students will know how to deal with communication apprehension effectively. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations. Students will know how to research, evaluate, interpret, and give oral presentations on current public relations theories, practices and trends. Students will know how to deal with communication apprehension effectively. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations.

2:  Students will believe that a strong sense of ethics of any communication professional is essential in and outside the workplace. Special emphasis will be placed on the ethical considerations of the public relations practitioner when interacting with various publics. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations.

3:  Students will be familiar with the various types of electronic and traditional media that public relations professionals use in order to interact with their publics. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations.

4:  Students will develop an awareness of the kinds of communication activities that are commonly used by public relations professionals. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations.

5:  Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations.

6:  Students will be exposed to a variety of team building projects, and will complete a group project that emphases team building.

7:  Students will know the general theories, principles, ethics and practices of public relations professionals and organizations. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, exams and oral presentations.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will know the general theories, principles, ethics and practices of public relations professionals and organizations. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, quizzes/exams and oral presentations.

Students will develop an awareness of the kinds of communication activities that are commonly used by public relations professionals. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, quizzes/exams and oral presentations.

Students will learn that a strong sense of ethics of any communication professional is essential in and outside the workplace. Special emphasis will be placed on the ethical considerations of the public relations practitioner when interacting with various publics. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, quizzes/exams and oral presentations.

Students will know how to research, evaluate, interpret, and give oral presentations on current public relations theories, practices and trends. Students will know how to deal with communication apprehension effectively. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, quizzes/exams and oral presentations.

Students will be familiar with the various types of electronic and traditional media that public relations professionals use in order to interact with their publics. Students will be assessed through participation, individual and group projects, quizzes/ exams and oral presentations.

The following topics will be covered in class:Public Relation's role, origins, theories, and current trends; Evolving concepts of public relations; Current research for public relations; Characteristics of competent communication; Ethics and laws impacting public relations; Strategies and techniques for public relations campaigns; Careers; Case studies; Communication channels and the role of the media; Development of various media; Writing for public relations.In a public relations setting, audience differences add to the unique communication dynamics of creating public messages. Students will be encouraged to discuss diverse perspectives such as socioeconomic, cultural, gender, racial, religious, political, and personality differences and will learn how different perspectives shape how we create, share and disseminate messages.

Key Performance Indicators:
Individual project 10 to 30%

Group project 20 to 30%

Oral presentations 30 to 40%

Class discussion/articipation 10 to 20%

Exams/quizzes 15 to 25%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Seitel, Fraser P. The Practice of Public Relations. New Jersey, Prentice Hall. Current Edition.

Pedagogy Statement:
Through a variety of teaching methods students are taught to recognize group member strengths, differences, abilities and needs. Inclusive teaching methods tailored to help accommodate different learning styles will be delivered through a variety of mediums including lecture, class and small group discussion of real-world scenarios, written assignments, exams, personal assessments and application through presentations and hands on projects.

Instructional Mediums:


Maximum Class Size: 30
Optimum Class Size: 24