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Course Syllabus

Course: DANC 1540

Division: Fine Arts, Comm, and New Media
Department: Dance
Title: Clogging I

Semester Approved: Summer 2024
Five-Year Review Semester: Spring 2029
End Semester: Spring 2030

Catalog Description: Clogging is a type of folk dance that uses percussive footwork through the striking of either a heal or a toe in order to create audible rhythms. In this course students will learn beginning level traditional and contemporary clogging techniques that will include the use of arm movement, footwork, correct body alignment and locomotion in space. Course is repeatable for credit. 

Semesters Offered: TBA
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 1; Lab: 1
Repeatable: Yes.

Justification: The Snow College Dance Department prides itself on offering a wide variety of dance technique classes that range from modern and ballet technique to ballroom, hip-hop and tap. By offering a course in clogging we continue our mission of offering diverse learning opportunities to our students, fulfill a cultural need in our community and allow our students to transfer to higher level clogging classes that are currently being offered at UVU and BYU.

Student Learning Outcomes:
After taking this class, students will be able to identify and perform basic clogging technique. This will be assessed by instructor/peer technique review and self-evaluation in class and at final performance.

Students will gain a greater knowledge of self, body and motion. This will be assessed by instructor/peer technique review and self-evaluation.

Students will refine their critical thinking and artistic assessment skills  This will be assessed through Dance Concert Review

Students will cultivate stronger performance ability and gain a greater appreciation of dance as an art form of human expression This will be assessed through the final performance

The class will consist of a warm-up, a movement activity that will gradually increase in spatial and choreographic sophistication and a cool down. It will culminate in an informal performance of a beginning level clogging dance that will be shared with other dance technique classes offered at Snow. Finally, the students in this class will refine their critical thinking skills by attending and reviewing the Snow College Dance Concert. As a foundational class, students of all skill levels will be capable of success.

Key Performance Indicators:
Attendance 30 to 60%

Technique review 20 to 50%

Final Performance 10 to 20%

Dance Concert Review 10 to 20%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:
Some online materials on clogging will be posted on Canvas

Pedagogy Statement:
This is a lab based course. Student technique will be evaluated through instructor and peer review and self-evaluation. The class will consist of a basic warm-up, technique instruction and a cool down session and will culminate in a final dance department sharing in front of a live audience. Students will read additional online materials on the history of clogging and will also attend and review a live dance performance. Instructors will individually cater guidance and expectations as they assess the range of students' skill levels.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 12