Dial 9-911
Provide your name, location, phone number and brief details of the emergency.
Bob Wright Director – pager 1-800-202-5555,
Campus Police 435-283-7170
If unable to get Campus Security call Sanpete County Sheriff 835-2191
Attempt to extinguish only very small fires by using the building’s fire extinguisher. Otherwise, clear the area by sounding the fire alarm. Follow building evacuations procedures. After leaving the building, call 911 immediately to report the fire and location.
In the case of a telephoned bomb threat, remain calm and courteous. Do not put the caller on hold or attempt to transfer the call. Listen first, then ask questions. Take careful notes. After hanging up, talk to no one other than Campus Security or Sanpete Sheriff Dispatch. If you find suspicious packages or boxes, DO NOT MOVE THEM, but contact Campus Security immediately.
Use the fire alarm to clear the building. Do not attempt to clean up a spill unless specially trained. Notify Hazardous Materials Officer at ext. 7221 or Paul Fore at ext. 7537 or Sanpete Dispatch 911.
During an earthquake, take refuge undera desk or in a solid framed doorway. Stay away from windows which shatter. After the quake stops, stay put. Secondary shockwaves may make hallways and exits hazardous. If the fire alarm sounds, proceed quickly to the nearest exit and follow fire evacuation procedures.
Report injuries to your immeciate supervisor. If necessary call 9-911 for an ambulance and EMT’s. Notify the Risk Management Office and complete a works accident report and worker’s compensation form.
The college does not have fire drills. When you hear the alarm, assume it is an emergency situation. All occupants of a building must proceed immediately to the nearest exit. DO NOT STOP TO GATHER BELONGINGS. DO NOT RISK YOUR LIFE BY STAYING IN THE BUILDING. In the event the alarm ceases, but no “all clear” notice is given, continue to evacuate.
All of a building’s occupants should gather at the designated assembly point, which must a distance of at least 1 ½ times the height of the building. Each building’s designated evacuation coordinator or alternate will maintain a list of regular building occupants and account for everyone upon exit. If someone is missing, do not re-enter the building to search for him or her until the “all clear” notice is given, but immediately notify security or fire department personnel.
Danger is greatly reduced if you remain calm and clear thinking.
Feel the door before opening it. If the door is hot, don’t open it, there is fire on the opposite side. If there is smoke and no fire nearby, crawl to the exit. The air is safer close to the floor.
Do not use the elevators, since they may malfunction or open onto a fire.
If the fire is small, attempt to extinguish it with an available fire extinguisher. Know the location of the closest fire extinguisher. Generally, if the fire involves more than a waste basket, pull an alarm and evacuate immediately. Call 9-911 when you are out of the building.
go to an external window for refuge. All doors around you should be closed and sealed tightly to prevent smoke penetration. Wait at the window, signal for help, and remain calm. If there is not smoke outside your window, break the window to exit, if safely possible, or to attract attention and call for help.
Four persons should be assigned to assist the evacuation of individuals in wheel chairs. One person should be assigned to carry the empty wheel chair.
Individualized evacuation plans should be developed for persons with special needs. Anyone desiring individualized plans should contact the Human Resources Director.
Activity Center | Chair of Athletics | |
Noyes Building | Head of Math Dept Dir. Human Resources VP Administration |
Nuttal Hall | Resident Assistant | |
Snow Hall | Resident Assistant | |
Science Building | ||
Greenwood Student Center | Dir. Student Life | |
Library |