AIR Team members
Sam Rainsdon-Meek
Micah Strait
Stefan Ruminski
Michael Lewellen
Mission Statement
The office of Analytics and institutional Research (AIR) is the central source of
Snow College's data and statistics related to the College. AIR seeks to enhance and
democratize data at the College to ensure data-informed decision-making and responsible
stewardship over the College's resources.
To accomplish this mission, AIR:
Helps define business processes that maintain and enhance data integrity.
Manages data governance at the College.
Leverages data and transform it into useful information that will provide direction
and quality assurance about how the College is meeting its mission to educate students
for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.
Provides proactive analytical resources.
Identifies and remedies data integrity issues.
Provides reliable, consistent, and operational reports and dashboards to the College.
Supports mission objectives by supplying data, information, and regular reporting
on Snow College's strategies, and projects, focusing on the areas of student success,
academics, recruitment & retention, employee satisfaction and infrastructure changes.
Fosters the use of sound and innovative methods to gather, generate, analyze, report
and manage data.
Provides accurate, consistent, relevant and timely information that is accessible
to internal and external constituencies.
Facilitates the integration of this informatoin into institutional decision making,
policy development and planning processes
Requesting AIR Assistance
One of the key functions of the AIR team is to assist all departments improve internal
processes, and to assist in making decisions based on data, so that Snow can continue
to improve and support its Mission.
To request the assistance of the AIR team, please complete the following DATA REQUEST
link below, and a member of the team will contact you shortly