The Utah Mathematics Association for Two Year Colleges, UMATYC, is a forum established to allow for open discussion of issues relating to mathematics education at two year colleges in the state of Utah. It's purpose is to promote professional development for mathematics teachers, to work with other professional associations and institutions concerned with mathematics at all levels, and to provide the best possible mathematics curriculum and instruction the the affilated schools.
UMATYC is an affiliate of The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). AMATYC was founded in 1974. It is the only organization exclusively devoted to providing a national forum for the improvement of mathematics instruction in the first two years of college. AMATYC has approximately 2,500 individual members and more than 100 institutional members in the United States and Canada. Educators in 47 states and one Canadian province are represented through AMATYC's 44 affiliate organizations.
UMATYC Mission Statement
- To promote professional development for mathematics teachers in the affiliated schools in Utah.
- To work with other professional associations and institutions concerned with mathematics at all levels.
- To provide the best possible mathematics curriculum and instruction in the affiliated schools.
UMATYC Constitution
- The name of the organization shall be the Utah Mathematics Association of Two Year
Colleges. (UMATYC)
- To promote professional development for mathematics teachers and focus on teaching
and learning mathematics in the first two-years in higher education in Utah.
- To work with other professional associations and institutions concerned with mathematics
at all levels.
- To provide the best possible mathematics curriculum and instruction in higher education
in Utah.
Any higher education mathematics instructor currently employed in the state of Utah
and any other individuals interested is eligible for membership.
- The officers of this organization shall be:
- President
- President-elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- President
- The president-elect shall be elected each year except as noted below, and shall
become the president the following year. The retiring president shall for one year
be a member of the executive board. The secretary and treasurer may succeed themselves.
Upon approval of a majority of the active members the president may succeed himself
or herself for one year only. In this event, the president-elect and past president
shall retain his or her office for one additional year.
- The duties of the officers shall be:
- Appoint the General Assembly; appoint the standing committees and name a chairperson
for each subject to the approval of the Executive Board; be exofficio member of
all standing committees: and be the executive officer of the association before
the public, either personally or through delegates, and shall perform the usual
other functions attributed to the office.
- The president-elect shall serve as vice-president of the Association and shall perform
the usual duties attributed to this office including that of parliamentarian. The
vice president shall be the program chairperson.
- The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the executive board
and general assembly; maintain official files; assist the president with Association
correspondence, mail to all voting members an official ballot, keep all ballots
cast until confirmed by the executive board, and report the results of the election
to all members by mail.
- The treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Association and disburse
them upon authorization by the executive Board. The treasurer shall collect dues;
maintain a roll of members; shall make a list of members available to the secretary;
keep accurate accounts of the receipts of the executive Board. The treasurer shall
serve as chairperson of the budget committee.
- Appoint the General Assembly; appoint the standing committees and name a chairperson
for each subject to the approval of the Executive Board; be exofficio member of
all standing committees: and be the executive officer of the association before
the public, either personally or through delegates, and shall perform the usual
other functions attributed to the office.
- The term of each office shall be for one year.
- New officers of the executive board will take office at the beginning of the calendar
year following the election.
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the president elect shall become president.
- If a vacancy occurs in any other elected position, the executive board shall appoint
a successor. An appointed President-Elect cannot succeed to President without being
duly elected.
- New officers of the executive board will take office at the beginning of the calendar
year following the election.
- The association shall be governed by the executive board.
- The executive board shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate past president
and members at large appointed by the elected officers to insure that each member
school is represented on the executive board. Chairpersons of each standing committee
shall also be on the executive board.
- The executive board shall be responsible for approving standing committees and chairpersons,
serve as the budget committee, approve all expenditures within the budget, carrying
out policies established by the general assembly; determining dues and fees, deciding
dates and arrangements of meetings of the general assembly, and notify members by
mail at least two months prior to a meeting of the general assembly.
- The executive board meetings will be called by the president on at least one month
- A quorum shall consist of at least five members of the executive board.
- Standing committees shall be the program committee to be chaired by the president-elect,
a budget committee to be chaired by the treasurer, a nominating committee to be
chaired by the secretary.
- Other committees shall be appointed by the president as needed.
- All committees shall report to the executive board.
- The general assembly shall be composed of all active members.
- The association shall have one regular meeting each year. Other meetings shall be
determined by the executive board.
- A secret ballot or roll call vote may be called for by any member.
- The membership present at the general assembly shall constitute a quorum. In the
event that less that 50% of the members are present, any action taken shall be subject
to reconsideration at the next meeting.
- A simple majority of members present is necessary to pass legislation.
- Dues shall be recommended by the budget committee and ratified by the general assembly.
- All members of the executive board (except appointed members at large) shall be
elected at the business meeting of the annual UMATYC conference.
- The election ballot shall contain the names of the candidates for officers. Strong
preference will be given by the hosting institution.
- Members eligible to vote will by those who have paid dues by the annual fall conference.
- IN the event that more than one person in nominated for a position, a ballot will
be used for the election of an officer.
- Election shall be by plurality. In case of a tie, a runoff election will be held
only if more than two people were running for office. If only two members have been
nominated and a tie results, the president will toss a coin to determine the winner.
- The secretary shall notify the candidates within two weeks following the election
and shall inform the membership at the annual meeting.
- The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority
for the association on all questions not covered by the constitution and such standing
rules as the general assembly may adopt.
- The general membership may adopt amendments to this constitution by a two-thirds majority of those voting at any general meeting of the association.