Course Syllabus
Course: MATH 1010
Division: Natural Science and Math
Department: Mathematics
Title: Intermediate Algebra
Semester Approved: Fall 2022
Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2027
End Semester: Summer 2028
Catalog Description: Intermediate Algebra students will study properties of the real number system including the use of set and/or interval notation and performing operations on real numbers. Students will continue the use of variables and the simplifying and evaluating of algebraic expressions. Solving and graphing of linear and quadratic equations along with an introduction to linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions will be covered.
Math 1010 is part of the developmental math sequence at Snow College and is designed to prepare students for more rigorous college-level math courses.
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 4; Lecture: 4; Lab: 0
Prerequisites: Math 0800 or Math 0850 with a C or better, ACT math score 18 or higher, or appropriate placement test score. Prerequisite score or class must have been completed within the last two years or you must (re)take the placement test.
Corequisites: None
Justification: This course is for those students who are unprepared for college-level mathematics work. This course is designed to prepare students for Math 1050 (College Algebra), Math 1060 (Trigonometry) or Math 1080 (Pre-Calculus) which leads students to future courses in STEM, Business or Education fields, but can also be used as a prerequisite course for Math 1030 (Quantitative Literacy) and Math 1040 (Introduction to Statistics).
This course is similar to courses offered at other institutions in the state.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will come to better understand the word and idea of "function" and its relationship to and uses in algebra. They will begin their study of its meaning, uses, transformations, and combinations to create other new and useful functions. Students will be assessed using homework, projects, quizzes or exams.
Students will become more proficient at manipulating and solving algebraic expressions and equations in all their forms at the intermediate level. Students will be assessed using homework, projects, quizzes or exams.
Students will be able to use tables and graphs to demonstrate knowledge of expressions, equations and functions. Students will be assessed using homework, projects, quizzes or exams.
Students will be able to use all of the above-mentioned tools to start with a written description of an application and use their developed problem-solving skills to interpret and translate the application into equation, table, and/or graph form and answer the questions posed in the description. Students will be assessed using homework, projects, quizzes or exams.
Through lecture, instruction, and various other methods, this course may include any of the following topics:
• Linear Equations and Inequalities in One & Two Variables
• Relations & Functions
• Systems of Linear Equations
• Polynomial Arithmetic and Factoring
• Rational Expressions & Equations
• Radicals and Complex Numbers
• Quadratic Equations and Functions
• Exponential & Logarithmic Functions
This course supports an inclusive learning environment where diverse perspectives are recognized, respected and encouraged. Individual instructors are encouraged to include at least one assignment (other than story problems from the book) such as projects, readings, or presentations where the students can see how the concept applies to their lives.
Key Performance Indicators:
A student must earn a score of 70% or higher on the comprehensive final exam in order to earn a grade of C or better for the course and to advance to a GE level Math Course.
Attendance/Participation 0 to 15%
Group Work 0 to 15%
Presentations/Projects 0 to 20%
Quizzes 0 to 20%
Homework 5 to 25%
Midterm Exams / Tests 20 to 70%
Final Exam 15 to 35%
Representative Text and/or Supplies:
A representative example would be "Intermediate Algebra", by Miller, current edition, published by McGraw Hill
Pedagogy Statement:
This course is offered in many ways to include a variety of diverse learners: face-to-face, online, computer-based homework, and more traditional paper and pencil homework. Course work is presented and assessed using many methods, including, group work, presentations, projects, activities, lectures or class discussions to ensure students with diverse learning preferences have an opportunity to demonstrate their learning.
Instructional Mediums:
Maximum Class Size: 45
Optimum Class Size: 30