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GE Minutes 12-10-2012

Snow College General Education Committee

December 10, 2012


In attendance: Richard Squire, Rick Wheeler, Melanie Jenkins, Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss, LaFaun Barnhurst, Gary Smith, Susan Larsen, Jeff Carney



Rick wheeler moved, with Clinton seconding, that the minutes of 12.3 be approved. The motion carried unanimously.



It was agreed that the following items be addressed next semester. They are listed in no particular order.


·      Follow up with Fine Arts, Foreign Language, and PE on their current assessment

·      Touch base with the stakeholders for next year's assessment

·      Work on an in-house assessment tool to replace the CCSEQ. Invite area stakeholders to add questions with respect to their area definitions

·      Review last spring's CCSEQ data

·      Ask Beckie if we can add more questions to the CAAP test

·      Develop standards and a process for evaluating GE Master Course Syllabi

·      Develop ideas and resources for adding reading and thinking strategies to GE courses; these would then be available for anyone developing a GE course.





Jeff reported that Kim Cragun has drafted a new signature page for MCS's that would include a GE line.

 Melanie indicated that she will confer with the Curriculum Committee as to when GE MCS's will start being approved by this committee.

 A meeting time of 7:00 AM Monday morning was agreed upon.