Event Schedule
Tentative schedule, subject to change.
Friday, March 17, 2023
- 12:00 Opening Recital
Concert Hall
- 1:30 Practice Techniques
With Thiago Ancelmo in M144
- 1:30 Chamber Music: A Conversation Between Friends
With Amy Gabbitas in T120
- 2:30 Morrie Backun
Recital Hall
- 3:30 Vendor Time
- 4:30 Equipment Prejudice: A Behind the Screen Comparison
With Henry Caceres in M144
- 4:30 High School Masterclass
With Jeffrey O’Flynn in Concert Hall
- 5:30 High School Clarinet Choir rehearsal
With conductor Mitch Hall in M126
- 5:30 College Clarinet Choir rehearsal
With conductor Darrin Thiriot in Recital Hall
- 6:30 Dinner
Saturday, March 18, 2023
- 8:00 Utah Clarinet Choir Rehearsal
Recital Hall
- 9:00 Recital
Concert Hall
- 10:30 Guest Artist Masterclass
With Steve Cohen in Concert Hall
- 11:30 High School Clarinet Choir Rehearsal
- 11:30 College Clarinet Choir Rehearsal
Recital Hall
- 12:30 Lunch (Box lunch if pre-ordered)
- 1:30 Vendor Time
- 2:30 Reed Class
With Chuck West in M144
- 2:30 Masterclass
With Jeremy Reynolds in Concert Hall
- 3:30 Clarinet Choir Concert
Concert Hall